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Revision as of 19:34, 30 July 2023 by Nyzer (talk | contribs)
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7-27-23 Trying to directly affect the Proposition bytes with a command like SET(x0360,x000B) works perfectly fine. However, trying to copy the results with something like SETVar(x0000,x0360) will ONLY copy the x01 bit.

7-30-23 Odd little bug. Trying to ADDVar(x0B00,x0080) should only add either 1 or 0 as Var x80 is a bit, but instead it adds four whole bytes of values, and I'm not even sure where from. SETVar works similarly. Any second offset within the Misc Words range (x0000-x007F) seems to work fine, though - I can go SETVar(x0001,x0080) and then ADDVar(x0B00,x0001) and achieve the correct result.