Event Scripts and Scenario Order correlation
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- 0x000 : ??? (NOT USABLE)
- 0x001 : Orbonne Prayer (Setup)
- 0x002 : Orbonne Prayer
- 0x003 : Orbonne Battle (Setup)
- 0x004 : Orbonne Battle
- 0x005 : Orbonne Battle (Gafgarion and Agrias chat)
- 0x006 : Orbonne Battle (Abducting the Princess)
- 0x007 : Military Academy (Setup)
- 0x008 : Military Academy
- 0x009 : Gariland Fight (Setup)
- 0x00A : Gariland Fight
- 0x00B : Gariland Fight (Ramza, Delita, Thief Chat)
- 0x00C : Gariland Fight (Ramza talking about honest lives)
- 0x00D : Balbanes's Death (Setup)
- 0x00E : Balbanes's Death
- 0x00F : Mandalia Plains (Setup)
- 0x010 : Mandalia Plains (Options Given)
- 0x011 : Mandalia Plains (Destroy Corps. Chosen)
- 0x012 : Mandalia Plains (Save Algus Chosen)
- 0x013 : Mandalia Plains (Algus First Turn)
- 0x014 : Mandalia Plains (Algus KO'd, Destroy Chosen)
- 0x015 : Mandalia Plains (Algus KO'd, Save Chosen)
- 0x016 : Mandalia Plains (Victory, Algus KO'd)
- 0x017 : Mandalia Plains (Victory, Algus Alive)
- 0x018 : Introducing Algus (Setup)
- 0x019 : Introducing Algus
- 0x01A : Returning to Igros (Setup)
- 0x01B : Returning to Igros
- 0x01C : Family Meeting (Setup)
- 0x01D : Family Meeting
- 0x01E : Sweegy Woods (Setup)
- 0x01F : Sweegy Woods
- 0x020 : Sweegy Woods (Victory)
- 0x021 : Dorter Trade City1 (Setup)
- 0x022 : Dorter Trade City1
- 0x023 : Dorter Trade City1 (Algus and Delita talk)
- 0x024 : Dorter Trade City1 (Victory)
- 0x025 : Interrogation (Setup)
- 0x026 : Interrogation
- 0x027 : Sand Rat Cellar (Setup)
- 0x028 : Sand Rat Cellar
- 0x029 : Sand Rat Cellar (Victory)
- 0x02A : Gustav vs. Wiegraf (Setup)
- 0x02B : Gustav vs. Wiegraf
- 0x02C : Larg's Praise (Setup)
- 0x02D : Larg's Praise
- 0x02E : Miluda1 (Setup)
- 0x02F : Miluda1
- 0x030 : Miluda1 (Miluda and Algus arguing)
- 0x031 : Miluda1 (Delita talking)
- 0x032 : Miluda1 (Victory)
- 0x033 : Releasing Miluda (Setup)
- 0x034 : Releasing Miluda
- 0x035 : Attack on the Beoulves (Setup)
- 0x036 : Attack on the Beoulves
- 0x037 : Meeting with bedridden Dycedarg (Setup)
- 0x038 : Meeting with bedridden Dycedarg
- 0x039 : Expelling Algus (Setup)
- 0x03A : Expelling Algus
- 0x03B : Reed Whistle (Setup)
- 0x03C : Reed Whistle
- 0x03D : Miluda2 (Setup)
- 0x03E : Miluda2
- 0x03F : Miluda2 (Delita bartering with Miluda)
- 0x040 : Miluda2 (Miluda half HP)
- 0x041 : Miluda2 (Ramza debating with Miluda)
- 0x042 : Miluda2 (Ramza pleading with Miluda)
- 0x043 : Miluda2 (Miluda's Death)
- 0x044 : Wiegraf berating Golagros (Setup)
- 0x045 : Wiegraf berating Golagros
- 0x046 : Wiegraf1 (Setup)
- 0x047 : Wiegraf1
- 0x048 : Wiegraf1 (Delita, Ramza, Wiegraf talk)
- 0x049 : Wiegraf1 (Ramza and Wiegraf debate)
- 0x04A : Wiegraf1 (Ramza and Wiegraf talk)
- 0x04B : Wiegraf1 (Victory)
- 0x04C : Finding Teta Missing (Setup)
- 0x04D : Finding Teta Missing
- 0x04E : Fort Zeakden (Setup)
- 0x04F : Fort Zeakden
- 0x050 : Fort Zeakden (Algus, Ramza round 1)
- 0x051 : Fort Zeakden (Algus, Ramza round 2)
- 0x052 : Fort Zeakden (Algus, Ramza round 3)
- 0x053 : Fort Zeakden (Destroy Chosen at Mandalia)
- 0x054 : Fort Zeakden (Save Chosen at Mandalia)
- 0x055 : Fort Zeakden (Delita's First Turn)
- 0x056 : Fort Zeakden (Algus, Delita round 1)
- 0x057 : Fort Zeakden (Ramza, Delita talking)
- 0x058 : Fort Zeakden (Victory)
- 0x059 : Partings (Setup)
- 0x05A : Partings
- 0x05B : Deep Dungeon NOGIAS (Setup)
- 0x05C : Deep Dungeon NOGIAS (Battle)
- 0x05D : Deep Dungeon Panel Found
- 0x05E : Deep Dungeon (Victory - Used for all Floors)
- 0x05F : Deep Dungeon TERMINATE(Setup)
- 0x060 : Deep Dungeon TERMINATE (Battle)
- 0x061 : Deep Dungeon DELTA (Setup)
- 0x062 : Deep Dungeon DELTA (Battle)
- 0x063 : Deep Dungeon VALKYRIES (Setup)
- 0x064 : Deep Dungeon VALKYRIES (Battle)
- 0x065 : Deep Dungeon MLAPAN (Setup)
- 0x066 : Deep Dungeon MLAPAN (Battle)
- 0x067 : Deep Dungeon TIGER (Setup)
- 0x068 : Deep Dungeon TIGER (Battle)
- 0x069 : Deep Dungeon BRIDGE (Setup)
- 0x06A : Deep Dungeon BRIDGE (Battle)
- 0x06B : Deep Dungeon VOYAGE (Setup)
- 0x06C : Deep Dungeon VOYAGE (Battle)
- 0x06D : Deep Dungeon HORROR (Setup)
- 0x06E : Deep Dungeon HORROR (Battle)
- 0x06F : Elidibs (Setup)
- 0x070 : Elidibs
- 0x071 : Elidibs (Victory)
- 0x072 : Deep Dungeon END (Setup)
- 0x073 : Deep Dungeon END (Battle)
- 0x074 : Chapter 2 Start (Setup)
- 0x075 : Chapter 2 Start
- 0x076 : Dorter2 (Setup)
- 0x077 : Dorter2
- 0x078 : Dorter2 (Victory)
- 0x079 : Araguay Woods (Setup)
- 0x07A : Araguay Woods (Options Given)
- 0x07B : Araguay Woods (Kill Enemies Chosen)
- 0x07C : Araguay Woods (Save Boco Chosen)
- 0x07D : Araguay Woods (Boco KO'd, Kill Enemies Chosen)
- 0x07E : Araguay Woods (Boco KO'd, Save Boco Chosen)
- 0x07F : Araguay Woods (Victory)
- 0x080 : Zirekile Falls (Setup)
- 0x081 : Zirekile Falls
- 0x082 : Zirekile Falls (Gafgarion and Agrias talk)
- 0x083 : Zirekile Falls (Gafgarion, Ramza, Delita, talk)
- 0x084 : Zirekile Falls (Delita, Ovelia talk)
- 0x085 : Zirekile Falls (Ovelia's Death)
- 0x086 : Zirekile Falls (Gafgarion and Ramza arguing)
- 0x087 : Zirekile Falls (Gafgarion retreat)
- 0x088 : Zirekile Falls (Victory)
- 0x089 : Ovelia Joins (Setup)
- 0x08A : Ovelia Joins
- 0x08B : Zalamd Fort City (Setup)
- 0x08C : Zaland Fort City (Options Given)
- 0x08D : Zaland Fort City (Kill Enemies Chosen)
- 0x08E : Zaland Fort City (Save Mustadio Chosen)
- 0x08F : Zaland Fort City (Mustadio KO'd, Kill Chosen)
- 0x090 : Zaland Fort City (Mustadio KO'd, Save Chosen)
- 0x091 : Zaland Fort City (Victory)
- 0x092 : Ramza, Mustadio, Agrias & Ovelia meeting (Setup)
- 0x093 : Ramza, Mustadio, Agrias & Ovelia meeting
- 0x094 : Ruins of Zaland (Setup)
- 0x095 : Ruins of Zaland
- 0x096 : Bariaus Hill (Setup)
- 0x097 : Bariaus Hill
- 0x098 : Bariaus Hill (Victory)
- 0x099 : Dycedarg & Gafgarion Reunion (Setup)
- 0x09A : Dycedarg & Gafgarion Reunion
- 0x09B : Gate of Lionel Castle (Setup)
- 0x09C : Gate of Lionel Castle
- 0x09D : Meeting with Draclay (Setup)
- 0x09E : Meeting with Draclau
- 0x09F : Besrodio Kidnapped (Setup)
- 0x0A0 : Besrodio Kidnapped
- 0x0A1 : Zigolis Swamp (Setup)
- 0x0A2 : Zigolis Swamp
- 0x0A3 : Zigolis Swamp (Victory)
- 0x0A4 : Goug Machine City Town (Setup)
- 0x0A5 : Goug Machine City Town
- 0x0A6 : Goug Machine City (Setup)
- 0x0A7 : Goug Machine City
- 0x0A8 : Goug Machine City (Victory)
- 0x0A9 : Besrodio Saved (Setup)
- 0x0AA : Besrodio Saved
- 0x0AB : Warjilis Port (Setup)
- 0x0AC : Warjilis Port
- 0x0AD : Draclau hires Gafgarion (Setup)
- 0x0AE : Draclau hires Gafgarion
- 0x0AF : Bariaus Valley (Setup)
- 0x0B0 : Bariaus Valley
- 0x0B1 : Bariaus Valley (Agrias and Ramza talk)
- 0x0B2 : Bariaus Valley (Agrias Death)
- 0x0B3 : Bariaus Valley (Victory)
- 0x0B4 : Golgorand Execution Site (Setup)
- 0x0B5 : Golgorand Execution Site
- 0x0B6 : Golgorand Execution Site (Gafgarion and Agrias talk)
- 0x0B7 : Golgorand Execution Site (Gafgarion and Ramza talk; first part)
- 0x0B8 : Golgorand Execution Site (Gafgarion and Ramza talk; second part)
- 0x0B9 : Golgorand Execution Site (Gafgarion and Ramza talk; third part)
- 0x0BA : Golgorand Execution Site (Gafgarion, Agrias and Ramza talk)
- 0x0BB : Golgorand Execution Site (Gafgarion retreats)
- 0x0BC : Golgorand Execution Site (Victory)
- 0x0BD : Substitute (Setup)
- 0x0BE : Substitute
- 0x0BF : Lionel Castle Gate (Setup)
- 0x0C0 : Lionel Castle Gate
- 0x0C1 : Lionel Castle Gate (Ramza opens the gate)
- 0x0C2 : Lionel Castle Gate (Gafgarion Death)
- 0x0C3 : Lionel Castle Gate (Victory)
- 0x0C4 : Inside of Lionel Castle (Setup)
- 0x0C5 : Inside of Lionel Castle
- 0x0C6 : Inside of Lionel Castle (Queklain and Ramza talk)
- 0x0C7 : Inside of Lionel Castle (Victory)
- 0x0C8 : Gelwan's Death (Setup)
- 0x0C9 : Gelwan's Death
- 0x0CA : Chapter 3 Start (Setup)
- 0x0CB : Chapter 3 Start
- 0x0CC : Goland Coal City (Setup)
- 0x0CD : Goland Coal City
- 0x0CE : Goland Coal City (Olan Death)
- 0x0CF : Goland Coal City (Victory)
- 0x0D0 : Goland Coal City post battle (setup)
- 0x0D1 : Goland Coal City post battle
- 0x0D2 : "Steel Ball Found" (Setup)
- 0x0D3 : "Steel Ball Found!"
- 0x0D4 : Worker 8 Activated (setup)
- 0x0D5 : Worker 8 Activated
- 0x0D6 : Time Machine Found! (Setup)
- 0x0D7 : Time Machine Found!
- 0x0D8 : Cloud Summoned (Setup)
- 0x0D9 : Cloud Summoned
- 0x0DA : Zarghidas (Setup)
- 0x0DB : Zarghidas
- 0x0DC : Zarghidas (Cloud freaking out)
- 0x0DD : Zarghidas (Cloud Death)
- 0x0DE : Zarghidas (Victory)
- 0x0DF : Talk with Zalbag in Lesalia (Setup)
- 0x0E0 : Talk with Zalbag in Lesalia
- 0x0E1 : Outside Castle Gate in Leaslia; Zalmo 1 (Setup)
- 0x0E2 : Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia; Zalmo 1
- 0x0E3 : Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia; Zalmo 1 (Zalmo and Ramza talk)
- 0x0E4 : Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia; Zalmo 1 (Alma and Ramza talk)
- 0x0E5 : Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia; Zalmo 1 (Victory)
- 0x0E6 : Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia; Talk with Alma Setup)
- 0x0E7 : Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia; Talk with Alma
- 0x0E8 : Orbonne Monastery (Setup)
- 0x0E9 : Orbonne Monastery
- 0x0EA : Underground Book Storage First Floor (Setup)
- 0x0EB : Underground Book Storage First Floor
- 0x0EC : Underground Book Storage First Floor (Victory)
- 0x0ED : Underground Book Storage Second Floor (Setup)
- 0x0EE : Underground Book Storage Second Floor
- 0x0EF : Underground Book Storage Second Floor (Izlude and Ramza talk; first part)
- 0x0F0 : Underground Book Storage Second Floor (Izlude and Ramza talk; second part)
- 0x0F1 : Underground Book Storage Second Floor (Victory)
- 0x0F2 : Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Setup)
- 0x0F3 : Underground Book Storage Third Floor
- 0x0F4 : Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Wiegraf talk)
- 0x0F5 : Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Wiegraf and Ramza talk; first part)
- 0x0F6 : Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Wiegraf and Ramza talk; second part)
- 0x0F7 : Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Victory)
- 0x0F8 : Meet Velius (Setup)
- 0x0F9 : Meet Velius
- 0x0FA : Malak and the Scriptures (Setup)
- 0x0FB : Malak and the Scriptures (Options Given)
- 0x0FC : Malak and the Scriptures (Yes Chosen)
- 0x0FD : Malak and the Scriptures (No Chosen)
- 0x0FE : Delita swears allegiance to Ovelia (Setup)
- 0x0FF : Delita swears allegiance to Ovelia
- 0x100 : Grog Hill (Setup)
- 0x101 : Grog Hill
- 0x102 : Grog Hill (Victory)
- 0x103 : Meet Again with Olan (Setup)
- 0x104 : Meet again with Olan
- 0x105 : Rescue Rafa (Setup)
- 0x106 : Rescue Rafa
- 0x107 : Rescue Rafa (Malak and Ramza talk)
- 0x108 : Rescue Rafa (Malak, Ninja and Ramza talk)
- 0x109 : Rescue Rafa (Malak Retreat)
- 0x10A : Rescue Rafa (Rafa Death, Malak Present)
- 0x10B : Rescue Rafa (Rafa Death, Malak Retreated)
- 0x10C : Rescue Rafa (Victory)
- 0x10D : Exploding Frog (Setup)
- 0x10E : Exploding Frog
- 0x10F : Yuguo Woods (Setup)
- 0x110 : Yuguo Woods
- 0x111 : Yuguo Woods (Victory)
- 0x112 : Barinten threatens Vormav (Setup)
- 0x113 : Barinten threatens Vormav
- 0x114 : Riovanes Castle Entrance (Setup)
- 0x115 : Riovanes Castle Entrance
- 0x116 : Riovanes Castle Entrance (Rafa, Malak and Ramza talk)
- 0x117 : Riovanes Castle Entrance (Malak Defeated)
- 0x118 : Riovanes Castle Entrance (Rafa Defeated)
- 0x119 : Riovanes Castle Entrance (Victory)
- 0x11A : "Escaping Alma" (Setup)
- 0x11B : "Escaping Alma"
- 0x11C : Inside of Riovanes Castle (Setup)
- 0x11D : Inside of Riovanes Castle
- 0x11E : Inside of Riovanes Castle (Wiegraf and Ramza talk)
- 0x11F : Inside of Riovanes Castle (Here comes Velius)
- 0x120 : Inside of Riovanes Castle (Victory)
- 0x121 : Ajora's vessel (Setup)
- 0x122 : Ajora's vessel
- 0x123 : Rooftop of Riovanes Castle (Setup)
- 0x124 : Rooftop of Riovanes Castle
- 0x125 : Rooftop of Riovanes Castle (Rafa Death)
- 0x126 : Rooftop of Riovanes Castle (Victory)
- 0x127 : Reviving Malak (Setup)
- 0x128 : Reviving Malak
- 0x129 : Searching for Alma (Setup)
- 0x12A : Searching for Alma
- 0x12B : "Things Obtained" (Setup)
- 0x12C : "Things Obtained"
- 0x12D : Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor (Setup)
- 0x12E : Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor
- 0x12F : Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor (Victory)
- 0x130 : Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor (Setup)
- 0x131 : Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor
- 0x132 : Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor (Rofel and Ramza talk)
- 0x133 : Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor (Victory)
- 0x134 : "Entrance to the other world" (Setup)
- 0x135 : "Entrance to the other world"
- 0x136 : Murond Death City (Setup)
- 0x137 : Murond Death City
- 0x138 : Murond Death City (Kletian and Ramza talk)
- 0x139 : Murond Death City (Victory)
- 0x13A : Lost Sacred Precincts (Setup)
- 0x13B : Lost Sacred Precincts
- 0x13C : Lost Sacred Precincts (Balk and Ramza talk)
- 0x13D : Lost Sacred Precincts (Victory)
- 0x13E : Graveyard of Airships (Setup)
- 0x13F : Graveyard of Airships
- 0x140 : Graveyard of Airships (Hashmalum and Ramza talk)
- 0x141 : Graveyard of Airships (Victory)
- 0x142 : Graveyard of Airships (Setup)
- 0x143 : Graveyard of Airships
- 0x144 : Graveyard of Airships (Here comes Altima 2)
- 0x145 : Graveyard of Airships (Victory)
- 0x146 : "Reunion and Beyond..." (Setup)
- 0x147 : "Reunion and beyond..."
- 0x148 : "Those Who Squirm In Darkness" (Setup)
- 0x149 : "Those Who Squirm in Darkness"
- 0x14A : "A Man with the Holy Stone" (Setup)
- 0x14B : "A Man with the Holy Stone"
- 0x14C : Doguola Pass (Setup)
- 0x14D : Doguola Pass
- 0x14E : Doguola Pass (Victory)
- 0x14F : Bervenia Free City (Setup)
- 0x150 : Bervenia Free City
- 0x151 : Bervenia Free City (Meliadoul and Ramza talk first part)
- 0x152 : Bervenia Free City (Meliadoul and Ramza talk second part)
- 0x153 : Bervenia Free City (Meliadoul and Ramza talk third part)
- 0x154 : Bervenia Free City (Victory)
- 0x155 : Finath River (Setup)
- 0x156 : Finath River
- 0x157 : Finath River (Victory)
- 0x158 : "Delita's Thoughts" (Setup)
- 0x159 : "Delita's Thoughts"
- 0x15A : Zalmo II (Setup)
- 0x15B : Zalmo II
- 0x15C : Zalmo II (Zalmo and Delita talk)
- 0x15D : Zalmo II (Zalmo and Ramza talk)
- 0x15E : Zalmo II (Victory)
- 0x15F : "Unstoppable Cog" (Setup)
- 0x160 : "Unstoppable Cog"
- 0x161 : Balk I (Setup)
- 0x162 : Balk I
- 0x163 : Balk I (Balk and Ramza talk)
- 0x164 : Balk I (Victory)
- 0x165 : "Seized T.G. Cid" (Setup)
- 0x166 : "Seized T.G. Cid"
- 0x167 : South Wall of Bethla Garrison (Setup)
- 0x168 : South Wall of Bethla Garrison
- 0x169 : South Wall of Bethla Garrison (Victory)
- 0x16A : North Wall of Bethla Garrison (Setup)
- 0x16B : North Wall of Bethla Garrison
- 0x16C : North Wall of Bethla Garrison (Victory)
- 0x16D : "Assassination of Prince Larg (Setup)
- 0x16E : "Assassination of Prince Larg"
- 0x16F : Bethla Sluice (Setup)
- 0x170 : Bethla Sluice
- 0x171 : Bethla Sluice (First lever; left)
- 0x172 : Bethla Sluice (Second lever; left)
- 0x173 : Bethla Sluice (First lever; right)
- 0x174 : Bethla Sluice (Second lever; right)
- 0x175 : "Rescue of Cid" (Setup)
- 0x176 : "Rescue of Cid"
- 0x177 : "Prince Goltana's Final Moments" (Setup)
- 0x178 : "Prince Goltana's Final Moments"
- 0x179 : Germinas Peak (Setup)
- 0x17A : Germinas Peak
- 0x17B : Germinas Peak (Victory)
- 0x17C : Poeskas Lake (Setup)
- 0x17D : Poeskas Lake
- 0x17E : Poeskas Lake (Victory)
- 0x17F : "Ambition of Dycedarg" (Setup)
- 0x180 : "Ambition of Dycedarg"
- 0x181 : Outside of Limberry Castle (Setup)
- 0x182 : Outside of Limberry Castle
- 0x183 : Outside of Limberry Castle (Victory)
- 0x184 : "Men of Odd Appearance "(Setup)
- 0x185 : "Men of Odd Appearance"
- 0x186 : Elmdor II (Setup)
- 0x187 : Elmdor II
- 0x188 : Elmdor II (Ultima Demon Celia)
- 0x189 : Elmdor II (Ultima Demon Lede)
- 0x18A : Elmdor II (Victory)
- 0x18B : Zalera (Setup)
- 0x18C : Zalera
- 0x18D : Zalera (Zalera, Meliadoul and Ramza talk)
- 0x18E : Zalera (Meliadoul and Ramza talk)
- 0x18F : Zalera (Victory)
- 0x190 : Random Battle Template (Setup)
- 0x191 : Random Battle Template (Initiate)
- 0x192 : Random Battle Template (Victory)
- 0x193 : (NOT USABLE)
- 0x194 : Game Over (Plays Automatically When Necessary)
- 0x195 : (NOT USABLE)
- 0x196 : (NOT USABLE)
- 0x197 : (NOT USABLE)
- 0x198 : (NOT USABLE)
- 0x199 : (NOT USABLE)
- 0x19A : Tutorial - (Battlefield Control) (Setup)
- 0x19B : Tutorial - {Battlefield Control}
- 0x19C : Tutorial - (Battle) (Setup)
- 0x19D : Tutorial - {Battle}
- 0x19E : Tutorial - (Move and Act) (Setup)
- 0x19F : Tutorial - {Move and Act}
- 0x1A0 : Tutorial - (Charge Time Battle) (Setup)
- 0x1A1 : Tutorial - {Charge Time Battle}
- 0x1A2 : Tutorial - (How to Cast Spells) (Setup)
- 0x1A3 : Tutorial - {How to Cast Spells}
- 0x1A4 : Tutorial - (Abnormal Status) (Setup)
- 0x1A5 : Tutorial - {Abnormal Status}
- 0x1A6 : Tutorial - (On-Line Help) (Setup)
- 0x1A7 : Tutorial - {On-Line Help}
- 0x1A8 : Tutorial - (Options) (Setup)
- 0x1A9 : Tutorial - {Options}
- 0x1AA : "The Mystery of Lucavi" (Setup)
- 0x1AB : "The Mystery of Lucavi"
- 0x1AC : "Delita's Betrayal (Setup)
- 0x1AD : "Delita's Betrayal"
- 0x1AE : "Delita's Betrayal"
- 0x1AF : "Mosfungus" (Setup)
- 0x1B0 : "Mosfungus"
- 0x1B1 : At the Gate of the Beoulve Castle (Setup)
- 0x1B2 : At the Gate of the Beoulve Castle
- 0x1B3 : Adramelk (Setup)
- 0x1B4 : Adramelk
- 0x1B5 : Adramelk (Zalbag and Ramza talk)
- 0x1B6 : Adramelk (Dycedarg and Zalbag talk)
- 0x1B7 : Adramelk (Here comes Adramelk)
- 0x1B8 : Adramelk (Victory)
- 0x1B9 : "Funeral's Final Moments" (Setup)
- 0x1BA : "Funeral's Final Moments"
- 0x1BB : St. Murond Temple (Setup)
- 0x1BC : St. Murond Temple
- 0x1BD : St. Murond Temple (Victory)
- 0x1BE : Hall of St. Murond Temple (Setup)
- 0x1BF : Hall of St. Murond Temple
- 0x1C0 : Hall of St. Murond Temple (Vormav and Meliadoul talk)
- 0x1C1 : Hall of St. Murond Temple (Vormav and Ramza talk)
- 0x1C2 : Hall of St. Murond Temple (Victory)
- 0x1C3 : Chapel of St. Murond Temple (Setup)
- 0x1C4 : Chapel of St. Murond Temple
- 0x1C5 : Chapel of St. Murond Temple (Zalbag and Ramza talk; first part [Ramza first turn])
- 0x1C6 : Chapel of St. Murond Temple (Zalbag and Ramza talk; second part [Zalbag 50%- HP])
- 0x1C7 : Chapel of St. Murond Temple (Victory)
- 0x1C8 : "Reguiem" (Setup)
- 0x1C9 : "Requiem"
- 0x1CA : Zarghidas (Setup)
- 0x1CB : Zarghidas (Options Given)
- 0x1CC : Zarghidas (Don't Buy Flower Chosen)
- 0x1CD : Zarghidas (Buy Flower Chosen)
- 0x1CE : Bar: Deep Dungeon (Setup)
- 0x1CF : Bar: Deep Dungeon
- 0x1D0 : Bar: Goland Coal City (Setup)
- 0x1D1 : Bar: Goland Coal City (Options Given)
- 0x1D2 : Bar: Goland Coal City (Refuse Beowulf's Invitation Chosen)
- 0x1D3 : Bar: Goland Coal City (Accept Beowulf's invitation Chosen)
- 0x1D4 : Coillery Underground - Third Floor (Setup)
- 0x1D5 : Coillery Underground - Third Floor (Battle)
- 0x1D6 : Coillery Underground - Third Floor (Victory)
- 0x1D7 : Coillery Underground - Second Floor (Setup)
- 0x1D8 : Coillery Underground - Second Floor (Battle)
- 0x1D9 : Coillery Underground - Second Floor (Victory)
- 0x1DA : Coillery Underground - First Floor (Setup)
- 0x1DB : Coillery Underground - First Floor (Battle)
- 0x1DC : Coillery Underground - First Floor (Victory)
- 0x1DD : Underground Passage in Goland (Setup)
- 0x1DE : Underground Passage in Goland (Battle)
- 0x1DF : Underground Passage in Goland (Reis's Death, Beowulf Alive)
- 0x1E0 : Underground Passage in Goland (Reis's Death, Beowulf KO'd)
- 0x1E1 : Underground Passage in Goland (Victory)
- 0x1E2 : Underground Passage in Goland (Setup)
- 0x1E3 : Underground Passage in Goland (Post-Battle)
- 0x1E4 : Nelveska Temple (Setup)
- 0x1E5 : Nelveska Temple
- 0x1E6 : Nelveska Temple (Worker 7 recharging)
- 0x1E7 : Nelveska Temple (Victory)
- 0x1E8 : "Reis' Curse" (Setup)
- 0x1E9 : "Reis' Curse"
- 0x1EA : Bethla Sluice (Late add-in Ramza hint)