Talk:Event Instructions
- Edit "x00"
- Edit "Unit ID"
- Edit "Multi Targeting"
- Edit "Immediate"
- Edit "Variables"
- Edit "Map List"
- Edit "Time : Byte (unsigned)"
- 10 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description DisplayMessage ― DisplayMessage(x10,xDT,xMSG#,xID,x00,xPR,+XXXXX,+YYYYY,+ARPOS,xOT) ― This instruction is used to display any text stored after the event's instruction in various ways like a character thinking, speaking, or simply printing text on the screen.
- 11 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description UnitAnim ― UnitAnim(xAU,xMT,xANIM,x00) ― This instruction is used load a humanoid shaped sprite off EVTCHR.BIN on a sprite using the original unit's palette.
- 12 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 12 ― Template:IE 12 ex ― Template:IE 12 desc
- 13 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ChangeMapBeta ― ChangeMapBeta(MAP,x00) ― Changes the map the event is currently played in. Not recommended for use.
- 14 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description PlayTrack ― PlayTrack(xSG) ― Template:IE 14 desc
- 15 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ResetUnitCalculations ― ResetUnitCalculations() ― Template:IE 15 desc
- 16 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Pause ― Pause() ― Pause the event and resume it when the player presses either O (confirm), X (cancel) or select.
- 17 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description GraphicTimeout ― GraphicTimeout(xTO) ― Template:IE 17 desc
- 18 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Effect ― Effect(xEFID,xID,XXX,YYY,x00) ― Uses an ability or effect on target Unit. Only one Effect can play at a time or the game will freeze.
- 19 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Camera ― Camera(+XXXXX,+ZZZZZ,+YYYYY,+ANGLE,+MAPRT,+CAMRT,+ZOOM%,+TIMER) ― Moves camera around the map, like a small helicopter.
The coordinates used are the map's absolute coordinates, not relative ones to where the camera currently is.
All entry fields can range from -32768 to 32767. Tiles are 28x28, and Camera motion is 4x more precise, so 112 = 1 Tile. 1h is 12 pixels high, so 48 = 1h, and regular units are 3h tall.
- 1A Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description MapDarkness ― MapDarkness(xBM,+RED,+GRN,+BLU,TIM) ― Modifies the color of the map's lighting.
- 1B Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description MapLight ― MapLight(+00000,+00000,+?????,+RRRED,+GREEN,+BBLUE,+TIMER) ― Controls the map's lighting, and has the ability to change the color of the light.
- 1C Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description EventSpeed ― EventSpeed(xSP) ― This instruction determines the speed the event will play. It is only used alongside Lucavi transformation and death Effects to slow them down.
- 1D Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description CameraFusionStart ― CameraFusionStart() ― Place many camera instructions in this block make them transition smoothly.
- 1E Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description CameraFusionEnd ― CameraFusionEnd() ― Place many camera instructions in this block make them transition smoothly.
- 1F Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Focus ― Focus(xID,x00,xID,x00,x00) ― The next Camera instruction will automatically center between Unit 1 and Unit 2. If the two are the same unit, it focuses on that single unit.
- 20 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 20 ― Template:IE 20 ex ― Template:IE 20 desc
- 21 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SoundEffect ― SoundEffect(xSDID) ― Terminate currently playing sound created by this instruction & plays the indexed sound once.
- 22 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SwitchTrack ― SwitchTrack(x01,+VOL,TIM) ― Toggle between the first and second song assigned in ATTACK.OUT for the scenario.
- 23 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 23 ― Template:IE 23 ex ― Template:IE 23 desc
- 24 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 24 ― Template:IE 24 ex ― Template:IE 24 desc
- 25 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 25 ― Template:IE 25 ex ― Template:IE 25 desc
- 26 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 26 ― Template:IE 26 ex ― Template:IE 26 desc
- 27 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ReloadMapState ― ReloadMapState() ― Reloads the map with new, currently stored settings such as map arrangement (Variable x0030), weather and daytime. Map arrangements and daytime can be viewed using map2gl.
- 28 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WalkTo ― WalkTo(xID,x00,XXX,YYY,xEL,x00,+SPD,x01) ― Makes a unit attempt to walk to a given tile.
If the unit cannot reach destination, it will only enter walking state and not move at all.
Units in events have 3 Jump regardless of equipped or innate abilities using this instruction, but {70} Jump ignores this limit.
WARNING: A unit cannot WalkTo into/over water! However, you can use {70} Jump to counter this problem, and it will work just as well.
- 29 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WaitWalk ― WaitWalk(xID,x00) ― Resumes instructions when the given unit arrives at destination.
- 2A Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description BlockStart ― BlockStart() ― A block is a portion of the event played in a separate process.
When the game finds a block, it will start executing it and will also resume the event whatever there is after the block at the same time.
- 2B Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description BlockEnd ― BlockEnd() ― A block is a portion of the event played in a separate process.
When the game finds a block, it will start executing it and will also resume the event whatever there is after the block at the same time.
- 2C Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description FaceUnit2 ― FaceUnit2(xFU,x00,xAU,xMT,xCL,xRS,xDL) ― A copy of {53} FaceUnit with one a certain value set to 0 instead of 1. Visually, there doesn't seem to be any difference with the other.
Makes unit(s) rotate to face a specified unit. The rotation direction is the shortest one (Clockwise as default).
- 2D Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description RotateUnit ― RotateUnit(xAU,xMT,xDR,xCL,xRS,xDL) ― The unit will rotate to a given direction.
- 2E Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Background ― Background(RDT,GRT,BLT,RDB,GRB,BLB,TIM,xBS) ― Creates a gradient background gradually by ignoring its current state using RGB. Battle and Effect safe.
(0,0,0) is black and (255,255,255) is white.
- 2F Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description BlockLoop ― BlockLoop(LPA,xVR,xDEST) ― This instruction allows looping a block until the defined variable reaches, or is set to 0. It has to be placed inside a block in order to work.
A block left running will prevent the event from ending!
- 30 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 30 ― Template:IE 30 ex ― Template:IE 30 desc
- 31 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ColorBGBeta ― ColorBGBeta(xPR,+RED,+GRN,+BLU,TIM) ― Colors Background to new value based on the current coloration, allowing better blending but ineffective on pure-black backgrounds.
- 32 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ColorUnit ― ColorUnit(xAU,xMT,xPR,+RED,+GRN,+BLU,TIM) ― Colors a unit gradually depending on its current state.
(+127,-128,-128) is red and (+127,+127,+127) is white while (+000,+000,+000) returns the unit to its original color.
- 33 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ColorField ― ColorField(xPR,+RED,+GRN,+BLU,TIM) ― Colors entire map specified colors.
(-128,-128,-128) is black and (+127,+127,+127) is white while (+000,+000,+000) returns the map to its original color.
- 34 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 34 ― Template:IE 34 ex ― Template:IE 34 desc
- 35 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 35 ― Template:IE 35 ex ― Template:IE 35 desc
- 36 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 36 ― Template:IE 36 ex ― Template:IE 36 desc
- 37 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 37 ― Template:IE 37 ex ― Template:IE 37 desc
- 38 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description FocusSpeed ― FocusSpeed(+SPEED) ― Sets the traveling speed for the camera instruction using Focus' settings.
- 39 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 39 ― Template:IE 39 ex ― Template:IE 39 desc
- 3A Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 3A ― Template:IE 3A ex ― Template:IE 3A desc
- 3B Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SpriteMove ― SpriteMove(xID,x00,+XXXXX,+ZZZZZ,+YYYYY,xMV,x??,+TIMER) ― Moves Target Unit to specified coordinates relative to its starting position, ignoring the field and the units statistics such as Jump.
- 3C Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Weather ― Weather(xWP,x01) ― Controls the weather's power, but not the weather type.
- 3D Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description RemoveUnit ― RemoveUnit(xID,x00) ― Removes a unit from the field and memory entirely.
This differs from BlueRemoveUnit in that it works immediately, allowing you to Add another unit/sprite right away, and that a Removed unit doesn't award its War Trophy.
- 3E Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ColorScreen ― ColorScreen(xBM,IRD,IGR,IBL,TRD,TGR,TBL,+TIMER) ― Colors the whole screen, in different possible ways. The Initial Color is applied immediately, while the Target Color gradually changes with a given amount of time assigned.
(255,255,255) is white while (000,000,000) is no coloration.
Not battle-friendly.
- 3F Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 3F ― Template:IE 3F ex ― Template:IE 3F desc
- 40 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 40 ― Template:IE 40 ex ― Template:IE 40 desc
- 41 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description EarthquakeStart ― EarthquakeStart(MAG,MER,SMG,SSD) ― Cause a seism with given parameters, but it does not control any sound related to it.
Not battle-friendly.
- 42 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description EarthquakeEnd ― EarthquakeEnd() ― Stops an ongoing earthquake.
- 43 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description CallFunction ― CallFunction(xFC) ― Can call various different functions to alter many different things in the game.
- 44 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Draw ― Draw(xID,x00) ― Draws a loaded unit that is currently not being displayed.
- 45 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description AddUnit ― AddUnit(xID,x00,xDR) ― Adds a unit to the event that is not currently loaded.
- 46 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Erase ― Erase(xID,x00) ― Erase a unit whose sprite is currently being displayed. Unit can be re-drawn later.
- 47 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description AddGhostUnit ― AddGhostUnit(xSP,x00,xID,XXX,YYY,xEL,xFD,xDR) ― Adds a fake unit on the map which can be mostly controlled like a regular unit, with some exceptions. In battle, the unit cannot take action or be targeted, and units will be able to walk through it. You can use any spritesheet you want, but be warned: Adding a new spritesheet will leave you with the impossibility of removing the spritesheet even if you remove the Ghost Unit.
- 48 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WaitAddUnit ― WaitAddUnit() ― Waits until a normal or ghost unit is loaded into the event before resuming.
- 49 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description AddUnitStart ― AddUnitStart() ― Creates an independently running block inside the event to load one or many units in the game. Does not slow down the event in any way, but make sure to use {4B} WaitAddUnitEnd before using instructions on the new units.
There is no need to use {48} WaitAddUnit after each unit inside this block.
- 4A Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description AddUnitEnd ― AddUnitEnd() ― Creates an independently running block inside the event to load one or many units in the game. Does not slow down the event in any way, but make sure to use {4B} WaitAddUnitEnd before using instructions on the new units.
There is no need to use {48} WaitAddUnit after each unit inside this block.
- 4B Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WaitAddUnitEnd ― WaitAddUnitEnd() ― Waits until a currently running {49} AddUnitStart/{4A} AddUnitEnd block has completed before resuming.
- 4C Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ChangeMap ― ChangeMap(MAP,x00) ― Fades to black, then changes the map, reloading all the settings such as Weather or State.
- 4D Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Reveal ― Reveal(TIM) ― Progressively reveals the screen to unveil the scene. Required to start a new scenario.
- 4E Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description UnitShadow ― UnitShadow(xID,x00,xSH) ― Remove or add back the shadow of a unit.
- 4F Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SetDaytime ― SetDaytime(xDT) ― Stores day or night for the next time you will load/reload a map.
- 50 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description PortraitCol ― PortraitCol(xPC) ― Sets the column that will be used to load a custom portrait from EVTFACE.BIN for the following Dialog Boxes.
- 51 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ChangeDialog ― ChangeDialog(xDB,xMSG#,xPR,xPP) ― Changes the content of a Dialog Box or closes it.
- 52 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 52 ― Template:IE 52 ex ― Template:IE 52 desc
- 53 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description FaceUnit ― FaceUnit(xFU,x00,xAU,xMT,xCL,xRS,xDL) ― Makes unit(s) rotate to face a specified unit. The rotation direction is the shortest one (Clockwise as default).
- 54 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Use3DObject ― Use3DObject(xID,xST) ― Use an object that has a 3D animation.
- 55 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description UseFieldObject ― UseFieldObject(xID,x00) ― Changes the state of an object on the map.
- 56 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Wait3DObject ― Wait3DObject() ― Waits until all activated 3D objects are done animating before resuming.
- 57 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WaitFieldObject ― WaitFieldObject() ― Waits for an object being used to complete its cycle before resuming.
- 58 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description LoadEVTCHR ― LoadEVTCHR(xBL,xEV,x00) ― Loads an EVTCHR slot from the CD to temporary memory.
- 59 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SaveEVTCHR ― SaveEVTCHR(xBL) ― Saves the loaded EVTCHR Slot to a specific block in order to use its frames and animations.
- 5A Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SaveEVTCHRClear ― SaveEVTCHRClear(xBL,x00) ― Allows to save an EVTCHR slot once more in the given memory block.
- 5B Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description LoadEVTCHRClear ― LoadEVTCHRClear(xBL,x00) ― Allows to load an EVTCHR slot once more in the given memory block.
- 5C Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 5C ― Template:IE 5C ex ― Template:IE 5C desc
- 5D Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 5D ― Template:IE 5D ex ― Template:IE 5D desc
- 5E Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description EndTrack ― EndTrack(x??) ― Terminates the currently playing song immediately.
- 5F Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WarpUnit ― WarpUnit(xID,x00,XXX,YYY,xEL,xFD) ― Warps a unit to a new location instantly.
- 60 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description FadeSound ― FadeSound(x00,TIM) ― Progressively fade sounds and music until they stop playing completely.
- 61 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 61 ― Template:IE 61 ex ― Template:IE 61 desc
- 62 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 62 ― Template:IE 62 ex ― Template:IE 62 desc
- 63 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description CameraSpeedCurve ― CameraSpeedCurve(xPA) ― Sets the acceleration strength and type of the next Camera instruction. The first digit affects the strength; a value of 0 is unnoticeable, a value of F is the most noticeable. The second digit determines the type of acceleration: None, Immediate, or Delayed.
- 64 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WaitRotateUnit ― WaitRotateUnit(xID,x00) ― Waits for a unit to finish rotating/facing another unit before resuming.
- 65 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WaitRotateAll ― WaitRotateAll() ― Waits for every unit to finish rotating/facing another unit before resuming.
- 66 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 66 ― Template:IE 66 ex ― Template:IE 66 desc
- 67 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 67 ― Template:IE 67 ex ― Template:IE 67 desc
- 68 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description MirrorSprite ― MirrorSprite(xID,x00,xMI) ― Mirrors a sprite and all its animations/ETVCHR as if they were facing left instead of right, and vice versa.
- 69 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description FaceTile ― FaceTile(xAU,xMT,XXX,YYY,x00,xCL,xRS,xDL) ― Makes unit(s) rotate to face a specified tile. The rotation direction is the shortest one (Clockwise as default).
- 6A Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description EditBGSound ― EditBGSound(xSD,+ECH,+VOL,x00,xWT) ― Edits a currently playing Background sound.
- 6B Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description BGSound ― BGSound(xSD,+ECH,+VOL,xST,TIM) ― Plays the indexed background sound effect.
- 6C Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 6C ― Template:IE 6C ex ― Template:IE 6C desc
- 6D Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 6D ― Template:IE 6D ex ― Template:IE 6D desc
- 6E Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SpriteMoveBeta ― SpriteMoveBeta(xID,x00,+XXXXX,+ZZZZZ,+YYYYY,xMV,x??,+SPEED) ― Very similar to its sister instruction, but instead uses different movement types and uses speed instead of time.
Moves Target Unit to specified coordinates relative to its starting position, ignoring the field and the units statistics such as Jump.
- 6F Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WaitSpriteMove ― WaitSpriteMove(xID,x00) ― Wait for a unit to complete its custom movement before resuming.
- 70 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Jump ― Jump(xID,x00,DST,xDR) ― The given unit will jump up or down 1-4 tiles distance. It works perfectly for jumping down, but might look weird when trying to jump to tiles too height. Does not have an elevation parameter. If the height difference is very minimal, the unit will just walk instead.
If the target tile is off the map, the unit will freeze in its frame and slide off the screen.
- 71 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 71 ― Template:IE 71 ex ― Template:IE 71 desc
- 72 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 72 ― Template:IE 72 ex ― Template:IE 72 desc
- 73 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 73 ― Template:IE 73 ex ― Template:IE 73 desc
- 74 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 74 ― Template:IE 74 ex ― Template:IE 74 desc
- 75 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 75 ― Template:IE 75 ex ― Template:IE 75 desc
- 76 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description DarkScreen ― DarkScreen(x00,xSH,ESP,RTS,x00,SES) ― Create a dark screen that allows units to join your party, display winning conditions and save your party back to formation.
- 77 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description RemoveDarkScreen ― RemoveDarkScreen() ― Removes the dark screen with the same parameters it was called with.
- 78 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description DisplayConditions ― DisplayConditions(xMG,DST) ― Display a Winning condition, Congratulations, War Trophies or Bonus Money received after the battle.
- 79 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WalkToAnim ― WalkToAnim(xID,x00,xANIM) ― Applies a normal or an EVTCHR animation to a given unit when it arrives at destination.
- 7A Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description DismissUnit ― DismissUnit(xJB,x00) ― Removes the first unit which matches the given Special Job ID from the player's roster.
- 7B Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 7B ― Template:IE 7B ex ― Template:IE 7B desc
- 7C Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 7C ― Template:IE 7C ex ― Template:IE 7C desc
- 7D Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ShowGraphic ― ShowGraphic(xGR) ― Gradually prints a graphic on the screen, and erases it the same way.
- 7E Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WaitValue ― WaitValue(xADDR,xVALU) ― Waits until a given value has reached at least a certain amount before resuming.
- 7F Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description EVTCHRPalette ― EVTCHRPalette(xID,x00,xBL,xPL) ― Changes the palette of a character by loading one from an EVTCHR Block.
- 80 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description March ― March(xAU,xMT,TIM) ― Make units start their walking animation, ready to fight. Even if not called, this instruction is automatically executed when a battle starts with 0 frames between units.
- 81 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 81 ― Template:IE 81 ex ― Template:IE 81 desc
- 82 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 82 ― {82}() ― Unknown. Only ever used inside {49} AddUnitStart + {4A} AddUnitEnd blocks. Outside of those blocks, seems to simulate a brief Wait period. High tendency to break the game when {43} CallFunction(x06) is used afterwards. Even though the original game achieves this without crashing, the procedure is unknown.
- 83 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ChangeStats ― ChangeStats(xAU,xMT,xST,+VALUE) ― Change the stats of affected units.
- 84 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description PlayTune ― PlayTune(xSG) ― Plays a song file. Don't get excited, the list is very short and mostly useless.
- 85 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description UnlockDate ― UnlockDate(xTL) ― Sets the unlocking date of a treasure/land to the current day.
- 86 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description TempWeapon ― TempWeapon(xID,x00,xIT) ― Gives unit a temporary weapon to swing. Does not affect equipped items.
- 87 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Arrow ― Arrow(xTG,x00,xSH,x00) ― Adds an arrow or bolt the next time a unit that has a bow (arrow) or a crossbow (bolt) shoots with a SEQ animation of x53, x54 or x55.
- 88 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description MapUnfreeze ― MapUnfreeze() ― Allows animations of a map again.
- 89 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description MapFreeze ― MapFreeze() ― Freezes all animations of a map.
- 8A Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description EffectStart ― EffectStart() ― Must be used in a block to activate the animation of a previously set Effect file.
- 8B Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description EffectEnd ― EffectEnd() ― Must be used in a block to activate the animation of a previously set Effect file.
- 8C Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description UnitAnimRotate ― UnitAnimRotate(xID,x00,xDR,xANIM,x00) ― Makes the unit immediately rotate to a certain direction and execute an animation.
- 8D Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Inventory ― Inventory(xPA,xID,xVA) ― Template:IE 8D desc
- 8E Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WaitGraphicPrint ― WaitGraphicPrint() ― Waits until a graphic generated by {7D} ShowGraphic is done animating, fully showing on the screen, before resuming.
- 8F Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 8F ― Template:IE 8F ex ― Template:IE 8F desc
- 90 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 90 ― Template:IE 90 ex ― Template:IE 90 desc
- 91 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ShowMapTitle ― ShowMapTitle(+XXX,+YYY,+SPD) ― Displays a 256x20 4bit image (EVENT\MAPTITLE.BIN) of the current map's title on the screen. Only Map 1 to 120 have a graphic assigned to them. Trying to display the title of other maps will result in rubbish.
- 92 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description InflictStatus ― InflictStatus(xID,x00,xSS,x0C,x00) ― Inflict a status on a given unit.
- 93 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 93 ― Template:IE 93 ex ― Template:IE 93 desc
- 94 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description TeleportOut ― TeleportOut(xID,x00) ― Unit will teleport out of the field.
- 95 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE 95 ― Template:IE 95 ex ― Template:IE 95 desc
- 96 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description AppendMapState ― AppendMapState() ― Append map changes to be loaded during a {43} CallFunction event with an effect.
- 97 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ResetPalette ― ResetPalette(xID,x00) ― Resets the palette color of a unit to its original state.
- 98 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description TeleportIn ― TeleportIn(xID,x00) ― Unit will teleport onto the field.
- 99 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description BlueRemoveUnit ― BlueRemoveUnit(xID,x00) ― Remove a non-Charmed enemy team unit from the map with a blue hueing.
This differs from RemoveUnit in that it takes longer, so you can't Add another unit/sprite in immediately afterwards, and that a BlueRemoved unit will still award their War Trophies at the end.
- 9A Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ResetTextIncrement ― ResetTextIncrement() ― Template:IE 9A desc
- 9B Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description PushTextVal ― PushTextVal(xVALU) ― Template:IE 9B desc
- 9C Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description PushTextVar ― PushTextVar(xVR) ― Template:IE 9C desc
- 9D Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SetTextVal ― SetTextVal(xTV,xVALU) ― Template:IE 9D desc
- 9E Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SetTextVar ― SetTextVar(xTV,xVR) ― Template:IE 9E desc
- 9F Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ButtonPressGoTo ― ButtonPressGoTo(xBUTT,xGT) ― Template:IE 9F desc
- A0 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description LTE ― LTE() ― Less Than or Equal | Variable 0x0000 = If ( Variable 0x0000 <= Variable 0x0001 )
- A1 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description GTE ― GTE() ― Greater Than or Equal | Variable 0x0000 = If ( Variable 0x0000 >= Variable 0x0001 )
- A2 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description EQ ― EQ() ― Equal | Variable 0x0000 = If ( Variable 0x0000 == Variable 0x0001 )
- A3 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description NEQ ― NEQ() ― Not Equal | Variable 0x0000 = If ( Variable 0x0000 != Variable 0x0001 )
- A4 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description LT ― LT() ― Less Than | Variable 0x0000 = If ( Variable 0x0000 < Variable 0x0001 )
- A5 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description GT ― GT() ― Greater Than | Variable 0x0000 = If ( Variable 0x0000 > Variable 0x0001 )
- A6 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE A6 ― Template:IE A6 ex ― Template:IE A6 desc
- A7 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE A7 ― Template:IE A7 ex ― Template:IE A7 desc
- A8 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE A8 ― Template:IE A8 ex ― Template:IE A8 desc
- A9 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE A9 ― Template:IE A9 ex ― Template:IE A9 desc
- AA Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE AA ― Template:IE AA ex ― Template:IE AA desc
- AB Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE AB ― Template:IE AB ex ― Template:IE AB desc
- AC Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description LUI ― LUI(xVARI,xVALU) ― Load Upper Immediate | Variable = Immediate Value << 16
- AD Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE AD ― Template:IE AD ex ― Template:IE AD desc
- AE Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SET ― SET(xVARI,xVALU) ― Set | Variable = Immediate Value
- AF Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SETVar ― SETVar(xVAR1,xVAR2) ― Set Variable (copy) | Variable1 = Variable2
- B0 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ADD ― ADD(xVARI,xVALU) ― Add Immediate | Variable = Variable + ImmediateValue (Can overflow)
- B1 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ADDVar ― ADDVar(xVAR1,xVAR2) ― Add Variable | Variable1 = Variable1 + Variable2 (Can overflow)
- B2 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SUB ― SUB(xVARI,xVALU) ― Subtract Immediate | Variable = Variable - ImmediateValue (Can overflow)
- B3 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SUBVar ― SUBVar(xVAR1,xVAR2) ― Subtract Variable | Variable1 = Variable1 - Variable2 (Can overflow)
- B4 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description MULT ― MULT(xVARI,xVALU) ― Multiply Immediate | Variable = Variable × ImmediateValue (low 32bit)
Use this instruction for general multiplication.
- B5 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description MULTVar ― MULTVar(xVAR1,xVAR2) ― Multiply Variable | Variable1 = Variable1 × Variable2 (low 32bit)
Use this instruction for general multiplication.
- B6 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description DIV ― DIV(xVARI,xVALU) ― Divide Immediate | Variable = Variable ÷ ImmediateValue (low 32bit)
Use this instruction for general division.
- B7 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description DIVVar ― DIVVar(xVAR1,xVAR2) ― Divide Variable | Variable1 = Variable1 ÷ Variable2 (low 32bit)
Use this instruction for general division.
- B8 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description MOD ― MOD(xVARI,xVALU) ― Divide Immediate (modulus) | Variable = Variable % ImmediateValue (high 32bit)
- B9 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description MODVar ― MODVar(xVAR1,xVAR2) ― Divide Immediate | Variable = Variable ÷ ImmediateValue (high 32bit)
- BA Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description AND ― AND(xVARI,xVALU) ― AND bitwise operand | Variable = Variable AND ImmediateValue
This command compares the individual bits of the value within a Variable and a specific ImmediateValue, and produces a single binary output. This makes this a good way to disable a specific bit within a byte without changing the rest of the bits.
With AND, the resulting bit outputs are set to 1 (TRUE) only if both values' bit inputs are 1.
The bits available within a single byte are:
- 0x80
- 0x40
- 0x20
- 0x10
- 0x08
- 0x04
- 0x02
- 0x01
So, for example, if you want to edit a unit's Battle Stats to remove the Dead status (which is bit 0x20), but leave their other statii unchanged, you would UnitAddress their Unit ID, LoadAddress their stats at 0x0058 & 0x01BB into temporary variables (let's say 0x0070 & 0x0071), and then run AND(x0070,x00DF) and AND(x0071,x00DF), before using SaveAddress to put the corrected values back. Because the Dead status is in bit 0x20, a value of DF means that every bit except 0x20 is set to 1. As a result, the other statii in that byte will remain unchanged, but by forcing 0x20 to be set to 1 in the ImmediateValue, it will zero out the Dead bit in the final result.
- BB Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ANDVar ― ANDVar(xVAR1,xVAR2) ― AND Variable bitwise operand | Variable1 = Variable1 AND Variable2
This command compares the individual bits of the value between two Variables, and produces a single binary output.
With AND, the resulting bit outputs are set to 1 (TRUE) only if both values' bit inputs are 1. This makes this a good way to disable a specific bit within a byte without changing the rest of the bits.
The bits available within a single byte are:
- 0x80
- 0x40
- 0x20
- 0x10
- 0x08
- 0x04
- 0x02
- 0x01
So, for example, if you want to edit a unit's Battle Stats to remove the Dead status (which is bit 0x20), but leave their other statii unchanged, you would UnitAddress their Unit ID, LoadAddress their stats at 0x0058 & 0x01BB into temporary variables (let's say 0x0070 & 0x0071), SET(x0072,x00DF), and then run ANDVar(x0070,x0072) and ANDVar(x0071,x0072), before using SaveAddress to put the corrected values back. Because the Dead status is in bit 0x20, a value of DF means that every bit except 0x20 is set to 1. As a result, the other statii in that byte will remain unchanged, but by forcing 0x20 to be set to 1 in the ImmediateValue, it will zero out the Dead bit in the final result.
- BC Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description OR ― OR(xVARI,xVALU) ― OR bitwise operand | Variable = Variable OR ImmediateValue
This command compares the individual bits of the value between a Variable and a specific ImmediateValue, and produces a single binary output.
With OR, the resulting bit outputs are set to 1 (TRUE) if either value's bit input is 1. This makes this a good way to enable a specific bit within a byte without changing the rest of the bits.
The bits available within a single byte are:
- 0x80
- 0x40
- 0x20
- 0x10
- 0x08
- 0x04
- 0x02
- 0x01
So, for example, if you want to edit a unit's Battle Stats to add the Control flag (which is bit 0x08), but leave the other flags such as their Team untouched, you would LoadAddress the byte into an editable variable, then OR that variable against a value of 0008: OR(xVARI,x0008). This uses a zero value on every bit except 08, which uses a one value, forcing the output to always have Control flagged, while leaving the rest of the bits from the variable unaltered.
- BD Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ORVar ― ORVar(xVAR1,xVAR2) ― OR Variable bitwise operand | Variable1 = Variable1 OR Variable2
This command compares the individual bits of the value between a Variable and a specific ImmediateValue, and produces a single binary output.
With OR, the resulting bit outputs are set to 1 (TRUE) if either value's bit input is 1. This makes this a good way to enable a specific bit within a byte without changing the rest of the bits.
The bits available within a single byte are:
- 0x80
- 0x40
- 0x20
- 0x10
- 0x08
- 0x04
- 0x02
- 0x01
So, for example, if you want to edit a unit's Battle Stats to add the Control flag (which is bit 0x08), but leave the other flags such as their Team untouched, you would LoadAddress the byte into an editable variable, then OR that variable against a value of 0008: OR(xVARI,x0008). This uses a zero value on every bit except 08, which uses a one value, forcing the output to always have Control flagged, while leaving the rest of the bits from the variable unaltered.
- BE Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ZERO ― ZERO(xVARI) ― Zero | Variable = 0
- BF Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Random ― Random(xVR,MODUL) ― Calls the RNG routine and stores the resulting number in a given variable.
- C0 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE C0 ― Template:IE C0 ex ― Template:IE C0 desc
- C1 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description LoadAddress ― LoadAddress(xVR,xVALU,xVA,LEN) ― Loads a value to a given variable. Works essentially the same as lbu/lhu/lw, but using variables.
- C2 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description UnitAddress ― UnitAddress(xID,xVR) ― Searches for the given Unit ID or Character Identity and returns the address to alter its stats. Returns 0 if no unit matched.
- C3 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WorldUnitAddress ― WorldUnitAddress(xID,xVR) ― Searches for the given Unit ID and returns the address to alter its world (non-battle) stats. Returns 0 if no unit matched.
- C4 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SaveAddress ― SaveAddress(xVR,xVALU,xVA,LEN) ― Saves a variable to a given address. Works essentially the same as sb/sh/sw, but using variables.
- C5 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description UpdateUnit ― UpdateUnit(xID,xPR) ― Updates a unit's characteristics in special ways that cannot be easily achieved manually. Can currently only update statuses on a unit.
- C6 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description TransformUnit ― TransformUnit(xAV,xPA,xJB) ― Alters a variable's value when it is too small or too great so that it fits within a given range.
- C7 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description RosterHasUnit ― RosterHasUnit(xPR,xIDEN) ― Template:IE C7 desc
- C8 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE C8 ― Template:IE C8 ex ― Template:IE C8 desc
- C9 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE C9 ― Template:IE C9 ex ― Template:IE C9 desc
- CA Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE CA ― Template:IE CA ex ― Template:IE CA desc
- CB Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE CB ― Template:IE CB ex ― Template:IE CB desc
- CC Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ResetTurnCounter ― ResetTurnCounter(xID) ― Template:IE CC desc
- CD Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description PostEvent ― PostEvent(xAC,xSCEN) ― Sets the action to take after an event has completed and no other event conditionals can successfully trigger.
- CE Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description LoadConditionals ― LoadConditionals(xCOND) ― Temporarily loads a sector from CONDITIONALS.EVT (patched through the Event Conditionals v2+ spreadsheet) then overwrites the active conditionals of the event for up to 16 different conditional sets and 512 bytes of conditional data. This temporarily pauses the game for 0-1 frames while the sector is loaded.
- CF Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Routine ― Routine(rROUTINEA) ― Runs/executes a routine at any address. r1 to r16 are automatically already freed and at your disposal.
- D0 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description JumpForwardIfZero ― JumpForwardIfZero(xJF) ― Jumps to {D2} ForwardTarget if Variable 0x0000 is equal to 0. Otherwise simply keeps advancing.
Must be placed before {D2} ForwardTarget!
- D1 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description JumpForward ― JumpForward(xJF) ― Jumps to {D2} ForwardTarget.
Must be placed before {D2} ForwardTarget!
- D2 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ForwardTarget ― ForwardTarget(xJF) ― Target Destination of {D0} JumpForwardIfZero/{D1} JumpForward.
Must be placed after {D0} JumpForwardIfZero/{D1} JumpForward!
- D3 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description JumpBack ― JumpBack(xJB) ― Jumps back to {D5} BackTarget.
Must be placed after {D5} BackTarget!
- D4 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE D4 ― Template:IE D4 ex ― Template:IE D4 desc
- D5 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description BackTarget ― BackTarget(xJB) ― Target Destination of {D3} JumpBack.
Must be placed before {D3} JumpBack!
- D6 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE D6 ― Template:IE D6 ex ― Template:IE D6 desc
- D7 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE D7 ― Template:IE D7 ex ― Template:IE D7 desc
- D8 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE D8 ― Template:IE D8 ex ― Template:IE D8 desc
- D9 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE D9 ― Template:IE D9 ex ― Template:IE D9 desc
- DA Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE DA ― Template:IE DA ex ― Template:IE DA desc
- DB Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description EventEnd ― EventEnd() ― Marks the end of the event.
- DC Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE DC ― Template:IE DC ex ― Template:IE DC desc
- DD Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE DD ― Template:IE DD ex ― Template:IE DD desc
- DE Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE DE ― Template:IE DE ex ― Template:IE DE desc
- DF Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE DF ― Template:IE DF ex ― Template:IE DF desc
- E0 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE E0 ― Template:IE E0 ex ― Template:IE E0 desc
- E1 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE E1 ― Template:IE E1 ex ― Template:IE E1 desc
- E2 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE E2 ― Template:IE E2 ex ― Template:IE E2 desc
- E3 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description EventEnd2 ― EventEnd2() ― A perfect copy of the other EventEnd. Marks the end of the event.
- E4 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE E4 ― Template:IE E4 ex ― Template:IE E4 desc
- E5 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description WaitForInstruction ― WaitForInstruction(xIN,x00) ― Wait for any given instruction type instance to complete before resuming.
- E6 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description AlterParameter ― AlterParameter(xPR,xVR) ― Template:IE E6 desc
- E7 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description GetTileUnit ― GetTileUnit(+XXX,+YYY,xEL) ― Template:IE E7 desc
- E8 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description LoadTileData ― LoadTileData(xVR,xBO,+XXX,+YYY,xEL) ― Template:IE E8 desc
- E9 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description SaveTileData ― SaveTileData(xVR,xBO,+XXX,+YYY,xEL) ― Template:IE E9 desc
- EA Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description LoadENTD ― LoadENTD(xENTD,xUNIT) ― Template:IE EA desc
- EB Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description LoadENTDUnit ― LoadENTDUnit(xID,xES,xBS,xFL) ― Template:IE EB desc
- EC Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description ConditionalDefeat ― ConditionalDefeat(xCD) ― Template:IE EC desc
- ED Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description LoadDatabase ― LoadDatabase(OFF,LEN) ― Template:IE ED desc
- EE Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description GetTableSize ― GetTableSize(xVR,xTB) ― Template:IE EE desc
- EF Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description FetchTableRow ― FetchTableRow(xTB,xVR) ― Template:IE EF desc
- F0 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE F0 ― Template:IE F0 ex ― Template:IE F0 desc
- F1 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Wait ― Wait(TIMER) ― Wait for a given number of frames before resuming.
- F2 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Pad ― Pad() ― Doesn't do anything. Ideal for hex editing parts of the event out without any risk.
- F3 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE F3 ― Template:IE F3 ex ― Template:IE F3 desc
- F4 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description AlterParameterByte ― Template:IE F4 ex ― Template:IE F4 desc
- F5 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description AlterParameterHalf ― Template:IE F5 ex ― Template:IE F5 desc
- F6 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description AlterParameterWord ― Template:IE F6 ex ― Template:IE F6 desc
- F7 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE F7 ― Template:IE F7 ex ― Template:IE F7 desc
- F8 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE F8 ― Template:IE F8 ex ― Template:IE F8 desc
- F9 Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE F9 ― Template:IE F9 ex ― Template:IE F9 desc
- FA Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE FA ― Template:IE FA ex ― Template:IE FA desc
- FB Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE FB ― Template:IE FB ex ― Template:IE FB desc
- FC Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE FC ― Template:IE FC ex ― Template:IE FC desc
- FD Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE FD ― Template:IE FD ex ― Template:IE FD desc
- FE Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE FE ― Template:IE FE ex ― Template:IE FE desc
- FF Edit Name Edit Example Edit Description Template:IE FF ― Template:IE FF ex ― Template:IE FF desc