Update Status/Sprite/Animation Display By Unit Misc ID

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#   Parameters:
#       r4 = (unitMiscID) Unit misc ID

80068e30: 27bdffe8 addiu r29,r29,-0x0018
80068e34: afbf0010 sw r31,0x0010(r29)
80068e38: 0c01e9b9 jal 0x8007a6e4                   #   miscUnit = Get Unit Misc Data Pointer (unitMiscID);
80068e3c: 3084ffff andi r4,r4,0xffff
80068e40: 0c01a342 jal 0x80068d08                   #   Status/sprite transformation/animation display setting (miscUnit);
80068e44: 00402021 addu r4,r2,r0
80068e48: 8fbf0010 lw r31,0x0010(r29)
80068e4c: 27bd0018 addiu r29,r29,0x0018
80068e50: 03e00008 jr r31
80068e54: 00000000 nop

Return locations

00069228: 00069130 - 00069250
00069234: “
00069308: 000692bc - 00069338	? 0x692bc | Set Animation/Facing for Mounted Units
00069320: “
00070fa4: 00070e6c - 00071004	In between turn events
000710c8: 00071008 - 000711a0
00071120: “
000712b0: 000711a4 - 000712d4
00072030: 00071eec - 000723d0	Main Post Movement
00072374: “
00072b2c: 00072b14 - 00072b4c
000732ac: 00073250 - 000732c4
000751ac: 00074f5c - 0007530c	Decide what to do based on skillset/ability selections?
000754cc: 00075310 - 000755f8	Set move/act based on skillset
00075518: “
00075e24: 00075db0 - 00075e64
00075f4c: 00075f10 - 00076018
00075f90: “
00076738: 00076658 - 00076918
000768b8: “
00077634: 000773f8 - 0007775c	? 0x773f8
00077ba8: 00077b58 - 00077bd4
000784e4: 0007843c - 00078500
00083ca0: 00083c58 - 00083ca4	Sprite display setting for all units based on attack
0008bdec: 0008bde4 - 0008be00	Update Status/Sprite/Animation Display By Unit Misc ID (Wrapper Function)
001a3254: 001a31a8 - 001a32e4	Effect text/transformation/animation display timing
001a3e20: 001a3d30 - 001a3ffc
001a3e6c: “

< BATTLE.BIN Routines

< Status/sprite transformation/animation display setting
Jump to 68d08 2 >