Event Instructions
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- {10} DisplayMessage
- {11} UnitAnim
- [[Event_Instruction_12|{12} Template:IE 12]]
- {13} ChangeMapBeta
- {16} Pause
- {17} GraphicTimeout
- {18} Effect
- {19} Camera
- {1A} MapDarkness
- {1B} MapLight
- {1C} EventSpeed
- {1D} CameraFusionStart
- {1E} CameraFusionEnd
- {1F} Focus
- {21} SoundEffect
- {22} SwitchTrack
- [[Event_Instruction_23|{23} Template:IE 23]]
- [[Event_Instruction_24|{24} Template:IE 24]]
- [[Event_Instruction_25|{25} Template:IE 25]]
- [[Event_Instruction_26|{26} Template:IE 26]]
- {27} ReloadMapState
- {28} WalkTo
- {29} WaitWalk
- {2A} BlockStart
- {2B} BlockEnd
- {2C} FaceUnit2
- {2D} RotateUnit
- {2E} Background
- {31} ColorBGBeta
- {32} ColorUnit
- {33} ColorField
- [[Event_Instruction_37|{37} Template:IE 37]]
- {38} FocusSpeed
- [[Event_Instruction_39|{39} Template:IE 39]]
- [[Event_Instruction_3A|{3A} Template:IE 3A]]
- {3B} SpriteMove
- {3C} Weather
- {3D} RemoveUnit
- {3E} ColorScreen
- [[Event_Instruction_3F|{3F} Template:IE 3F]]
- [[Event_Instruction_40|{40} Template:IE 40]]
- {41} EarthquakeStart
- {42} EarthquakeEnd
- {43} CallFunction
- {44} Draw
- {45} AddUnit
- {46} Erase
- {47} AddGhostUnit
- {48} WaitAddUnit
- {49} AddUnitStart
- {4A} AddUnitEnd
- {4B} WaitAddUnitEnd
- {4C} ChangeMap
- {4D} Reveal
- {4E} UnitShadow
- {4F} SetDaytime
- {50} PortraitCol
- {51} ChangeDialog
- {53} FaceUnit
- {54} Use3DObject
- {55} UseFieldObject
- {56} Wait3DObject
- {57} WaitFieldObject
- {58} LoadEVTCHR
- {59} SaveEVTCHR
- {5A} SaveEVTCHRClear
- {5B} LoadEVTCHRClear
- [[Event_Instruction_5C|{5C} Template:IE 5C]]
- [[Event_Instruction_5D|{5D} Template:IE 5D]]
- {5E} EndTrack
- {5F} WarpUnit
- {60} FadeSound
- [[Event_Instruction_61|{61} Template:IE 61]]
- [[Event_Instruction_62|{62} Template:IE 62]]
- {63} CameraSpeedCurve
- {64} WaitRotateUnit
- {65} WaitRotateAll
- [[Event_Instruction_66|{66} Template:IE 66]]
- {68} MirrorSprite
- {69} FaceTile
- {6A} EditBGSound
- {6B} BGSound
- [[Event_Instruction_6C|{6C} Template:IE 6C]]
- [[Event_Instruction_6D|{6D} Template:IE 6D]]
- {6E} SpriteMoveBeta
- {6F} WaitSpriteMove
- {70} Jump
- [[Event_Instruction_71|{71} Template:IE 71]]
- [[Event_Instruction_72|{72} Template:IE 72]]
- [[Event_Instruction_73|{73} Template:IE 73]]
- [[Event_Instruction_74|{74} Template:IE 74]]
- [[Event_Instruction_75|{75} Template:IE 75]]
- {76} DarkScreen
- {77} RemoveDarkScreen
- {78} DisplayConditions
- {79} WalkToAnim
- {7A} DismissUnit
- [[Event_Instruction_7B|{7B} Template:IE 7B]]
- [[Event_Instruction_7C|{7C} Template:IE 7C]]
- {7D} ShowGraphic
- {7E} WaitValue
- {7F} EVTCHRPalette
- {80} March
- [[Event_Instruction_81|{81} Template:IE 81]]
- [[Event_Instruction_82|{82} Template:IE 82]]
- {83} ChangeStats
- {84} PlayTune
- {85} UnlockDate
- {86} TempWeapon
- {87} Arrow
- {88} MapUnfreeze
- {89} MapFreeze
- {8A} EffectStart
- {8B} EffectEnd
- {8C} UnitAnimRotate
- {8E} WaitGraphicPrint
- [[Event_Instruction_8F|{8F} Template:IE 8F]]
- [[Event_Instruction_90|{90} Template:IE 90]]
- {91} ShowMapTitle
- {92} InflictStatus
- [[Event_Instruction_93|{93} Template:IE 93]]
- {94} TeleportOut
- [[Event_Instruction_95|{95} Template:IE 95]]
- {96} AppendMapState
- {97} ResetPalette
- {98} TeleportIn
- {99} BlueRemoveUnit
- {A0} LTE
- {A1} GTE
- {A2} EQ
- {A3} NEQ
- {A4} LT
- {A5} GT
- {B0} ADD
- {B2} SUB
- {B4} MULT
- {B6} DIV
- {B8} MOD
- {B9} MODVar
- {BA} AND
- {BC} OR
- {DB} EventEnd
- {E5} WaitForInstruction
- {F1} Wait
- {F2} Pad