Difference between revisions of "Data/Table Locations"

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Line 6: Line 6:
  RAM -> File
  RAM -> File
-0x67000 -> WLDCORE.bin
  -0x67000 -> Battle.bin
  -0x67000 -> Battle.bin
  -0xE0000 -> World.bin
  -0xE0000 -> World.bin

Revision as of 22:11, 13 December 2012

For additional ASM notes and an easier to use version of this data in .txt format, visit this thread:  http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php? topic=6538.140#msg181059
and download New Asm Files.7z
Main Data Locations:

RAM -> File
-0x67000 -> WLDCORE.bin
-0x67000 -> Battle.bin
-0xE0000 -> World.bin
-0xF800 -> SCUS

SCUS Data Locations

800306ec - GPU Control Pointer
800306f0 - Horizontal Retrace Counter Pointer
800306f4 - Horizontal Retrace Counter Start? (gets subtracted from the counter)

80037880 -  80037B90 - Music Files

80045980 - (set to 1 after prepping Exp/JP) (word)

800459b8 - Milliseconds (also frame counter? max of 60 before Seconds ++)
800459bc - Seconds
800459c0 - Minutes
800459c4 - Hours

800473ac - Customized Options
800473b0 - Default Options

80057718 - Time played this session (increments every frame/millisecond)
8005771c - (word, start of a bunch of data below)

800577b8 - Event ID (used by Brave Story to load certain events)

800577cc – Gil
800577d4 - Month
800577d8 – Day
800577e0 - Current Location

80057F74 - Party Data 

800577e4 - ENTD Data ID (ENTD to load)
800577e8 - Map ID
800577ec - Number of Teams
800577f0 - Battle Formation ID (for placement)
80057878 - Event Byte Counter? (maybe just text?)
80057884 - ID for "Person" pages in Brave Story?
800578a0 - Injured (Brave Story)
800578a4 - b - Casualties (Brave Story)
800578ac - Next Scenario? New Game?
800578B0 - Deep Dungeon list length (+1)

800578c0 - Town Background

800578d4 - Storyline Progression
800578d8 - Shop Item Availability

8005791E - Activation bytes
80057940 - Facts 
80057943 - Brave Story Records 

8005794c - Map location and Path exist flags
80057958 - World Locations colors

80057966 - Active Rumors
80057970 - Obtained Treasures
80057976 - Unexplored Territory 
80057978 - Work History
800579a8 - "Person" data flags

80057b5c - Weapon Page Order (FF = early end; uses Item ID's, 0x8c long)
80057be8 - Helmet Page Order (0x20 long)
80057c08 - Armor Page Order (0x28 long)
80057c30 - Accessory Page Order (0x24 long)
80057c54 - Item Page Order (0x14? long)

80057d84 - Save screeen data (0x18 long, 15 total?)

80057f74 - Party Data (256 bytes each, 20 sections)

80059494 - Poached Item Quantities
800596e0 - Available Item Quantities (same order as item ID's)[Amount owned - amount equipped]
Item Inventory

800597e0 - Save Times

80059818 - Level UP Stat Storing Code Pointers
80059830 - Action Status Code Pointers

8005e90c - Raw Unit Data 
8005e93c - Base Raw Variances

8005e950 - (0x80 long?)
8005e9d0 - Terrain Geomancy (maps abilities to 0x40 terrain types] Terrain Surface Types
8005ea10 - Terrain Statuses (maps status to 0x40 terrain types] Terrain Surface Types
8005ea50 - Movement Cost (six tables of 0x40 = 0x180, http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=6893.0)
8005ebd0 - ? Reaction Flags (1 byte each)

8005ebf0 - Ability Data 1
8005fbf0 - Ability Data 2

80061010 - Item Abilities
80061020 - Throw Abilities
8006102c - Jump Abilities
80061044 - Charge Abilities
80061054 - Calculator Abilities
8006105c - R/S/M Abilities

800610b8 - Job Data

80062eb8 - Item Data Start 
80063ab8 - Weapon Secondary Data
80063eb8 - Shield Secondary Data
80063ed8 - Helm/Armor Secondary Data
80063f58 - Accessory Secondary Data
80063f98 - Item Secondary Data
80063fc4 - Inflict Statuses
800642c4 - Item Attributes

80064a94 - Skillsets
80065bc4 - Monster Skillsets
80065cb4 - Action Menus (1 byte for all skillsets)

80065de4 - Status Effects

80066064 - Poached Item List (2 bytes per Job for common and rare items)

800660c4 - Job Unlock Requirements (High nybble/low nybble)
80066182 - Job Level JP Requirements (some checks start at 66184)
80066194 - Job Data Pointer

80066198 - Prime Number List
800661ce - Month Day Values
800661e8 - Zodiac Day Limits

80066200 - Start of Battle Flag? (1 = Initialize data?)
80066204 - Temp Ability List (used for setting usable abilities)

80066238 - Current ENTD Pointer

800662d0 - Status checks (determined from 0x4/5 of  80065de4 data?)

80066308 - Highest Party Level

Battle.bin Locations

80067000 - List of return addresses

80067838 - Pointers for Numerical Display Color Code (0xd1 pointers)
80067b80 - Pointers for Display Type Code (SP/CT/Br/Fa/PA/MA)
80067bac - ? (0x2a long)
80067bd8 - ?2
80067c04 - ?3
80067c30 - ?4
80067c5c - ?5
80067c88 - ?6

800682cc - Color Modification Code Pointers

8006fbf0 - Ability Data Pointer 2 (loading to skillset?)

80093d08 - Display Type
80093d18 - Status ID's for Display Type

80093de8 - Ability Animation number	

80093e10 - Ability Animation Flags (0x200 abilities, 3 bytes each)

800943e4 - Item Graphic Data (0x7f total?)

80094748 - Spritesheet Data (4 bytes each, 0x9f total)

80094a40 - (start of below? Counter is set to +1 before so it starts at 94a44)
80094a44 - Status Flags (for Display? 28 total, 4 bytes each)
80094ae4 - Start of some list of palettes
80094ba4 - ? Palettes

80096024 - ? (set to 0 after prepping to display earned Exp/JP) (word)

800960e4 - (set to 0x28 after prepping earned Exp/JP) (Word)

80096100 - AT List ID (used to determine which data to load from the AT list)

80096118 - Misc ID? (word)
8009611c - Misc ID? (word)

800961b4 - Unit's X Coordinate?
800961b8 - Unit's Map Level? (0 = base floor, 1 = higher floor)
800961bc - Unit's Y Coordinate?

(stuff for display)
800962d4 - HP Damage
800962d6 - HP Healing
800962d8 - MP Damage
800962da - MP Healing
800962dc - SP Damage
800962de - SP Bonus
800962e0 - CT Damage
800962e2 - CT Bonus
800962e4 - Brave Damage
800962e6 - Brave Bonus
800962e8 - Faith Damage
800962ea - Faith Bonus
800962ec - PA Damage
800962ee - PA Bonus
800962f0 - MA Damage
800962f2 - MA Bonus

80098a54 - Pointer to last unit's Misc Data?

80098dcc - numerical display data 

80098dd4 - numerical display data?

800995ec - (word)

800995f4 - (14 groups at 0x982 bytes each)
800995f5 - 1 = skip setting below data?
800995f6 - (16 sections, 8 bytes each)
80099676 - Palette Color Mod Data (16 sect. w/ 16 colors; 7 bytes each color (0x700 total))
80099d76 - Raw Palettes (16 sections, 16 colors, 2 bytes each (0x200 total))

800a7790 - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr00_vxy0
800a7794 - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr00_vz0
800a7798 - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr01_vxy1
800a779c - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr01_vz1
800a77a0 - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr02_vxy2
800a77a4 - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr02_vz2
800a77a8 - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr00_vxy0
800a77ac - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr00_vz0

800b7308 - Miscellaneous Unit Data - Giant display section (0x440 bytes each)

800B8594 - start of inventory data?

800bd8cc - data sent back from GPU?

800bd8e4 - data sent back from GPU - gtedr14_sxy2

800d4578 - amount of days on proposition
800d4574 - amount of days on proposition

800e4e9c - Map Max X coordinate
800e4ea0 - Map Max Y coordinate
800e4ea4 - Modified Palettes (14 chunks at 512 bytes each)
	0x000 -> Modified Palettes
	0x982 -> 

800e6bb0 - list of return addresses
800e6c98 - list of return addresses

800f5ba8 - current loaded map (set at f385c)
800f5c58 - map data

800f5e74 - Move-Find Item Data (and Traps)
80124604 - Map GNS Data?

8014cf68 - Status Image Data (4 bytes each, 0xc4 total)

8014d09a - hit % data (for display?)

8014d0d2 - some unit Reaction ID (other stuff above/below here)
8014d0d4 - some unit Support ID
8014d0d6 - some unit Movement ID

8015d304 - Current Unit's ID (* 0x1c0 for Data Pointer)

80165eb4 - Palette Pointer Mod 1? (halfword)
80165eb6 - Palette Pointer Mod 2? (halfword)

80165ef4 - some item datA?

80165f9c - item data pointer?

8016866c - start of a set of data 0x0c long, (0x1b0 total) (0x24 sets)

80172258 - target current action pointer

80173e68 - ? changes with different message displayed (execute action, select target, etc.)

80173f8c - Pointers to Text Data (Mod below / 0x200 + 173f8c)

80174060 - Displayed Skillsets (act Menu) - ff in first slot that doesn't have skillset, rest 00

80174068 - Action return address table (based on "action menu byte" of skillset)

801740a8 - Menu Code Pointers

801740e8 - Menu Code Pointers 2

8018f520 - active units ID?

8018f5f0 - AI calculation types? (word)

Current Golem Amounts (by team)
8018f5f4 - Blue Team
8018f5f6 - Red Team
8018f5f8 - Light Blue Team
8018f5fa - Green Team

8018f5fc - Dealing with displayed damage?

Zodiac Compatability Modifiers
8018f600 - Aries
8018f601 - Taurus
8018f602 - Gemini
8018f603 - Cancer
8018f604 - Leo
8018f605 - Virgo
8018f606 - Libra
8018f607 - Scorpio
8018f608 - Sagittarius
8018f609 - Capricorn
8018f60a - Aquarius
8018f60b - Pisces

8018f7ec - Used Ability Flags 1

8018f86d - current units movement supports

8018f8c8 - Acting Unit ID (word)

8018f8cc - Tile Data (8 bytes each, +100h for Higher Elevation tiles)

801908cc - Unit Battle Stats (Unit ID * 0x1c0 for specific location)

80192d8c - Attacker Current Action Data Pointer
80192d90 - Target Current Action Data Pointer
80192d94 - Attacker's Data Pointer
80192d98 - Target Data Pointer

80192d9c - Reaction ID

80192da0 - Copy of Acting Unit's Current Action Data? 0x2c long

80192dcc - X coordinate of target
80192dd0 - Y coordinate of target
80192dd4 - map level of target

80192dd8 - Moveable/Targetable Panel Grid (By rows of X panels, 0x10 in each row)
80193848 - Current Ability Data section -
80193914 - move find item data 2 (loaded from static)
80193918 - move find item data 3
8019391c - move find item data 4

80193924 - Unit AI Extended Status Data (16 total, 0x40 bytes each)

80193d24 - Attacker's AI Data

80193d44 - Acting Unit's Used Ability ID

80193d98 - AI Targeting? Code Pointers

80193aec - Player unit information (0x40 long for 5 units?)

Table of Offsets from 0x193D48-E4F

8019f358 - X/Y Mods (2 bytes each, 4 total)(for targeting? gets added to base values)

8019f3c0 - Unit AI Extended Status Data Pointer
8019f3c4 - Start of AI data

801b48d0 - table of effect file start locations
801b63e8 - ability loaded flag?

801b63f0 - Ability Effect (2 bytes each, 0x1c6 total)

801b677c - Event Effects (2 bytes each, 0x25 total)

801b84ac - list of bytes based on ability animation flags

801b8b60 - Attacker's ID? (Word)

801c24d0 - loaded ability effect (half)

Loaded into RAM 0x1dc000 during battle setup

801b63f0 - Ability Effect (2 bytes each, 0x1c6 total)
801b677c - Event Effects (2 bytes each,