Difference between revisions of "SCUS 942.21 Routines"

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(Created page with "*0x4F1D0: 64 bytes **"Elemental" skillset lookup table: determines which abilities are enabled by which terrain type. *0x4F210: 64 bytes **Terrain status inflict: determines whic...")
(Added routines to SCUS_942.21 page)
Line 1: Line 1:
== SCUS_942.21 RAM ==
000000a0: [[Jump to 0x5c4]]
00017e7c - 00017eb4: [[Get Sound Effect Data]] For ability effects?
0001bec8 - 0001d64c: [[Initialize some screen data]]
0001bfb4 - 0001bfb8: [[Clear r2]] <-- best routine on the Iso
0001c04c - 0001c050: [[r2 = 0xff]]
0001d09c - 0001d0d4: [[Store Rotation matrix elements to GTE]]
0001d0d8 - 0001d104: [[Store Light Source Matrix Elements to GTE]]
0001d108 - 0001d134: [[Store Light Color matrix source RGB's to GTE]]
0001d138 - 0001d154: [[Store Translation Vectors to GTE]]
0001d158 - 0001d160: [[Get Projection Plane distance from GTE]]
0001d164 - 0001d184: [[Store Background RGB to GTE]]
0001d188 - 0001d1a4: [[Store far color RGB to GTE]]
0001d1a8 - 0001d1bc: [[Store Screen offsets to GTE]]
0001d1c0 - 0001d1d0: [[Store Projection plane distance in GTE]]
0001d1d4 - 0001d1fc: [[Multiply vector and store results]]
0001d200 - 0001d224: [[Depth Cue Color Light]]
0001d228 - 0001d260: [[Depth Cue Triple]]
0001d264 - 0001d284: [[interpolate]]
0001d288 - 0001d2ac: [[square vector]]
0001d2b0 - 0001d2d4: [[square matrix/vector (duplicate routine?]]
0001d2d8 - 0001d2f4: [[Find Average of 3 Z values]]
0001d2f8 - 0001d318: [[Find Average of 4 Z values]]
0001d31c - 0001d370: [[calculate outer product of 2 vectors]]
0001d374 - 0001d3c8: [[calculate outer product of 2 vectors 2]]
0001d3cc - 0001d3e0: [[Get leading 0 or 1 count]]
0002230c - 00022314: [[Random Number Generator]]
00040934 - start of meaningful code
00042a10 - 00042aac: [[Starting Inventory]]
00045938 - end of meaningful code
00059854 - 00059abc: [[Initialize Status Check Data]]
00059ac8 - 00059aec: [[Initialize Party ID to FF]]
00059af0 - 00059b14: [[Get Party Data Pointer]]
00059b18 - 00059bac: [[Unit Initialization ]]
00059bb0 - 00059d58: [[Add Unit to Party/Store Unit's Party Data]]
00059d5c - 00059e14: [[Find Free Party Slot]]
00059e18 - 00059ed0: [[Create Monster Egg]]
00059ed4 - 00059f90: [[Find Empty Party Slot and Generate Unit]]
00059f94 - 00059fdc: [[Find Unit's Party Data Location]]
00059fe0 - 00059ff8: [[Remove Unit from Party]]
00059ffc - 0005a3dc: [[Out of Battle Unit Generation]]
0005a3e0 - 0005a3fc: [[Generate Unit's Base Raw Stats Prep]]
0005a400 - 0005a444: [[Prep for Generating Base Raw Stats]]
0005a448 - 0005a51c: [[Generate Unit's Base Raw Stats]]
0005a520 - 0005a564: [[Transfer Job's Growths/Mults to Unit]]
0005a568 - 0005a634: [[Load Ability From Skillset]]
0005a638 - 0005a728: [[Store Skillset's Abilities]]
0005a72c - 0005a880: [[Calculate Ability Pointers and Type]]
0005a884 - 0005a8a0: [[Get Item Data Pointer]]
0005a8a4 - 0005a8d0: [[Get Job Data Pointer]]
0005a8d4 - 0005a9b0: [[Initialize Unit's Job Data]]
0005a9b4 - 0005aafc: [[Unit Battle Initialization]]
0005ab00 - 0005ab44: [[Equipment/Move/Jump +X/Name Storing/Generation]]
0005ab48 - 0005ac18: [[Store Ramza's Name/Birthday/Zodiac]]
0005ac1c - 0005b034: [[ENTD Data Calculation]]
0005b038 - 0005b0cc: [[Prep for Initializing Unit's Job Data]]
0005b0d0 - 0005b2b0: [[Initialize Unit's Battle Data]]
0005b2b4 - 0005b4fc: [[Calculate ENTD Unit Jobs]]
0005b500 - 0005b5d8: [[Sprite Set and Random Secondary Job Calculation]]
0005b5dc - 0005b79c: [[Transfer Job's Data to Unit's Data]]
0005b7a0 - 0005b828: [[Enable Unit's R/S/M Flags]]
0005b82c - 0005b87c: [[R/S/M Flag Setting]]
0005b880 - 0005ba6c: [[Calculate Actual Stats (Used for Stat Capping as well)]]
0005ba70 - 0005bdac: [[Calculate Unit's Abilities]]
0005bdb0 - 0005bdec: [[Monster Equipment Storing]]
0005bdf0 - 0005c278: [[Calculate/Store ENTD Unit Equipment]]
0005c27c - 0005c394: [[Equippable Item Setting (Support/Female-only)]]
0005c398 - 0005c5c4: [[Equipment Stat Setting]]
0005c5c8 - 0005c8e8: [[Equipment Attribute Setting]]
0005c8ec - 0005c980: [[Move/Jump +X Calculation]] (can be used to load data at start of battle)
0005c984 - 0005cbcc: [[Store/Generate Character Names]]
0005cbd0 - 0005cc60: [[Calculate Highest Party Level]]
0005cc64 - 0005cc94: [[Store X into Y ]] (r4 = Loading Pointer, r5 = Storing Pointer)
0005cc98 - 0005ce70: [[Calculate Random Equipment]]
0005ce74 - 0005d0b8: [[Calculate Learned Abilities]]
0005d0bc - 0005d3c0: [[Calculate Unit's R/S/M]]
0005d3c4 - 0005d410: [[Find Skillset's Job ID (Not used?)]]
0005d414 - 0005d46c: [[Status Initialization]]
0005d470 - 0005d4cc: [[Nullify CT/Initialize Death Counter]]
0005d4d0 - 0005d5b8: [[Float/Current Statuses/Status Immunities/Status CT]]
0005d5bc - 0005d5dc: [[Status Setting/Checking + Equip/R/S/M Stats Prep]]
0005d5e0 - 0005d600: [[Status Setting/Checking + Equip/R/S/M Stats Prep 2]]
0005d604 - 0005d624: [[Status Setting/Checking + Equip/R/S/M Stats Prep 3]]
0005d628 - 0005d87c: [[Status Setting/Checking + Equip/R/S/M Stats]]
0005d880 - 0005d8f8: [[Check if Unit Leveled UP]]
0005d8fc - 0005da0c: [[Level Unit to Specific Level]]
0005da10 - 0005db6c: [[Level Up Section]]
0005db70 - 0005dc10: [[Status CT Setting]]
0005dc14 - 0005dd44: [[Calculate Unlocked Jobs]]
0005dd48 - 0005ded4: [[Proposition JP Gain]]
0005ded8 - 0005def0: [[Store 3-Byte Data]]
0005def4 - 0005df34: [[Calculate Job Level]]
0005df38 - 0005dfa8: [[Initialize Unit's Job Levels]]
0005dfac - 0005dfd0: [[Initialize Some Unit Data]]
0005dfd4 - 0005e014: [[Minimum SP Capping/War Trophy Nulling/Status Initialization]]
0005e018 - 0005e04c: [[Get Ability's Range]]
0005e050 - 0005e084: [[Get Ability's AoE]]
0005e088 - 0005e0c8: [[Calculate Unit's Palette/Portrait (return Portrait)]]
0005e0cc - 0005e11c: [[Check if Random is greater/equal to Chance]]
0005e120 - 0005e1ac: [[Get Unit's Portrait/Palette]]
0005e1b0 - 0005e1fc: [[Status Checks (r5 = set to check)]]
0005e200 - 0005e228: [[Get Known Abilities]]
0005e22c - 0005e250: [[Transfer Target ID? Through Mount Data]]
0005e254 - 0005e284: [[Store X Byte into Y]]
0005e288 - 0005e474: [[Get Total Equipment Quantity (Equip Change/Formation Screen?)]]
0005e478 - 0005e4e4: [[Initialize Unit's X/Y+Facing/Battle Rewards]]
0005e4e8 - 0005e5d4: [[Get Lowest Order Status' 0x08 Check Data? (Status Checks 2)]]
0005e5d8 - 0005e640: [[Calculate Zodiac Symbol]]
0005e644 - 0005e66c: [[Data Nullifying]] (requires r5 = Limit, and r4 = Starting location)
0005e670 - 0005e6c8: [[Increase Casualties/Injured Counters]]
0005e6cc - 0005e740: [[Inflicted Status Changes]]
0005e744 - 0005e774: [[Store Current Statuses]]
0005e778 - 0005e7a4: [[Transfer Last Ability Used CT]]
0005e7a8 - 0005e8e4: [[Enable/disable acting statuses]]
0005e8e8 - 0005e908: [[? removed code?]]
Other SCUS_942.21 Notes:
*0x4F1D0: 64 bytes
*0x4F1D0: 64 bytes
**"Elemental" skillset lookup table: determines which abilities are enabled by which terrain type.
**"Elemental" skillset lookup table: determines which abilities are enabled by which terrain type.

Revision as of 02:14, 23 May 2013

SCUS_942.21 RAM

000000a0: Jump to 0x5c4

00017e7c - 00017eb4: Get Sound Effect Data For ability effects?

0001bec8 - 0001d64c: Initialize some screen data

0001bfb4 - 0001bfb8: Clear r2 <-- best routine on the Iso

0001c04c - 0001c050: r2 = 0xff

0001d09c - 0001d0d4: Store Rotation matrix elements to GTE

0001d0d8 - 0001d104: Store Light Source Matrix Elements to GTE

0001d108 - 0001d134: Store Light Color matrix source RGB's to GTE

0001d138 - 0001d154: Store Translation Vectors to GTE

0001d158 - 0001d160: Get Projection Plane distance from GTE

0001d164 - 0001d184: Store Background RGB to GTE

0001d188 - 0001d1a4: Store far color RGB to GTE

0001d1a8 - 0001d1bc: Store Screen offsets to GTE

0001d1c0 - 0001d1d0: Store Projection plane distance in GTE

0001d1d4 - 0001d1fc: Multiply vector and store results

0001d200 - 0001d224: Depth Cue Color Light

0001d228 - 0001d260: Depth Cue Triple

0001d264 - 0001d284: interpolate

0001d288 - 0001d2ac: square vector

0001d2b0 - 0001d2d4: square matrix/vector (duplicate routine?

0001d2d8 - 0001d2f4: Find Average of 3 Z values

0001d2f8 - 0001d318: Find Average of 4 Z values

0001d31c - 0001d370: calculate outer product of 2 vectors

0001d374 - 0001d3c8: calculate outer product of 2 vectors 2

0001d3cc - 0001d3e0: Get leading 0 or 1 count

0002230c - 00022314: Random Number Generator

00040934 - start of meaningful code

00042a10 - 00042aac: Starting Inventory

00045938 - end of meaningful code

00059854 - 00059abc: Initialize Status Check Data

00059ac8 - 00059aec: Initialize Party ID to FF

00059af0 - 00059b14: Get Party Data Pointer

00059b18 - 00059bac: Unit Initialization

00059bb0 - 00059d58: Add Unit to Party/Store Unit's Party Data

00059d5c - 00059e14: Find Free Party Slot

00059e18 - 00059ed0: Create Monster Egg

00059ed4 - 00059f90: Find Empty Party Slot and Generate Unit

00059f94 - 00059fdc: Find Unit's Party Data Location

00059fe0 - 00059ff8: Remove Unit from Party

00059ffc - 0005a3dc: Out of Battle Unit Generation

0005a3e0 - 0005a3fc: Generate Unit's Base Raw Stats Prep

0005a400 - 0005a444: Prep for Generating Base Raw Stats

0005a448 - 0005a51c: Generate Unit's Base Raw Stats

0005a520 - 0005a564: Transfer Job's Growths/Mults to Unit

0005a568 - 0005a634: Load Ability From Skillset

0005a638 - 0005a728: Store Skillset's Abilities

0005a72c - 0005a880: Calculate Ability Pointers and Type

0005a884 - 0005a8a0: Get Item Data Pointer

0005a8a4 - 0005a8d0: Get Job Data Pointer

0005a8d4 - 0005a9b0: Initialize Unit's Job Data

0005a9b4 - 0005aafc: Unit Battle Initialization

0005ab00 - 0005ab44: Equipment/Move/Jump +X/Name Storing/Generation

0005ab48 - 0005ac18: Store Ramza's Name/Birthday/Zodiac

0005ac1c - 0005b034: ENTD Data Calculation

0005b038 - 0005b0cc: Prep for Initializing Unit's Job Data

0005b0d0 - 0005b2b0: Initialize Unit's Battle Data

0005b2b4 - 0005b4fc: Calculate ENTD Unit Jobs

0005b500 - 0005b5d8: Sprite Set and Random Secondary Job Calculation

0005b5dc - 0005b79c: Transfer Job's Data to Unit's Data

0005b7a0 - 0005b828: Enable Unit's R/S/M Flags

0005b82c - 0005b87c: R/S/M Flag Setting

0005b880 - 0005ba6c: Calculate Actual Stats (Used for Stat Capping as well)

0005ba70 - 0005bdac: Calculate Unit's Abilities

0005bdb0 - 0005bdec: Monster Equipment Storing

0005bdf0 - 0005c278: Calculate/Store ENTD Unit Equipment

0005c27c - 0005c394: Equippable Item Setting (Support/Female-only)

0005c398 - 0005c5c4: Equipment Stat Setting

0005c5c8 - 0005c8e8: Equipment Attribute Setting

0005c8ec - 0005c980: Move/Jump +X Calculation (can be used to load data at start of battle)

0005c984 - 0005cbcc: Store/Generate Character Names

0005cbd0 - 0005cc60: Calculate Highest Party Level

0005cc64 - 0005cc94: Store X into Y (r4 = Loading Pointer, r5 = Storing Pointer)

0005cc98 - 0005ce70: Calculate Random Equipment

0005ce74 - 0005d0b8: Calculate Learned Abilities

0005d0bc - 0005d3c0: Calculate Unit's R/S/M

0005d3c4 - 0005d410: Find Skillset's Job ID (Not used?)

0005d414 - 0005d46c: Status Initialization

0005d470 - 0005d4cc: Nullify CT/Initialize Death Counter

0005d4d0 - 0005d5b8: Float/Current Statuses/Status Immunities/Status CT

0005d5bc - 0005d5dc: Status Setting/Checking + Equip/R/S/M Stats Prep

0005d5e0 - 0005d600: Status Setting/Checking + Equip/R/S/M Stats Prep 2

0005d604 - 0005d624: Status Setting/Checking + Equip/R/S/M Stats Prep 3

0005d628 - 0005d87c: Status Setting/Checking + Equip/R/S/M Stats

0005d880 - 0005d8f8: Check if Unit Leveled UP

0005d8fc - 0005da0c: Level Unit to Specific Level

0005da10 - 0005db6c: Level Up Section

0005db70 - 0005dc10: Status CT Setting

0005dc14 - 0005dd44: Calculate Unlocked Jobs

0005dd48 - 0005ded4: Proposition JP Gain

0005ded8 - 0005def0: Store 3-Byte Data

0005def4 - 0005df34: Calculate Job Level

0005df38 - 0005dfa8: Initialize Unit's Job Levels

0005dfac - 0005dfd0: Initialize Some Unit Data

0005dfd4 - 0005e014: Minimum SP Capping/War Trophy Nulling/Status Initialization

0005e018 - 0005e04c: Get Ability's Range

0005e050 - 0005e084: Get Ability's AoE

0005e088 - 0005e0c8: Calculate Unit's Palette/Portrait (return Portrait)

0005e0cc - 0005e11c: Check if Random is greater/equal to Chance

0005e120 - 0005e1ac: Get Unit's Portrait/Palette

0005e1b0 - 0005e1fc: Status Checks (r5 = set to check)

0005e200 - 0005e228: Get Known Abilities

0005e22c - 0005e250: Transfer Target ID? Through Mount Data

0005e254 - 0005e284: Store X Byte into Y

0005e288 - 0005e474: Get Total Equipment Quantity (Equip Change/Formation Screen?)

0005e478 - 0005e4e4: Initialize Unit's X/Y+Facing/Battle Rewards

0005e4e8 - 0005e5d4: Get Lowest Order Status' 0x08 Check Data? (Status Checks 2)

0005e5d8 - 0005e640: Calculate Zodiac Symbol

0005e644 - 0005e66c: Data Nullifying (requires r5 = Limit, and r4 = Starting location)

0005e670 - 0005e6c8: Increase Casualties/Injured Counters

0005e6cc - 0005e740: Inflicted Status Changes

0005e744 - 0005e774: Store Current Statuses

0005e778 - 0005e7a4: Transfer Last Ability Used CT

0005e7a8 - 0005e8e4: Enable/disable acting statuses

0005e8e8 - 0005e908: ? removed code?

Other SCUS_942.21 Notes:

  • 0x4F1D0: 64 bytes
    • "Elemental" skillset lookup table: determines which abilities are enabled by which terrain type.
  • 0x4F210: 64 bytes
    • Terrain status inflict: determines which terrains cause Poison ("80" instead of "00")
  • 0x4F250: 64 bytes
    • Default movement table: determines the movement cost for crossing various terrain.
  • 0x4F290: 320 bytes
    • Ability movement tables: like the above, but enabled by Fly/Teleport, Float, Walk on Water/Move in Water, Move Undrwater, Move on Lava, respectively