Difference between revisions of "Routine Locations"

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Line 3: Line 3:
000000a0: Jump to 0x5c4
000000a0: Jump to 0x5c4
[[Jump to 0x5c4]]
0005e0cc: Checking if Attack Hits?
0005e0cc: Checking if Attack Hits?
[[Checking if Attack Hits?]]
0005e200: Checking known abilities?
0005e200: Checking known abilities?
[[Checking known abilities?]]
0005e644: Data Nullifying (requires r5 = Limit, and r4 = Starting location)
0005e644: Data Nullifying (requires r5 = Limit, and r4 = Starting location)
[[Data Nullifying]]
000736d4: ??? effect research
000736d4: ??? effect research
[[??? effect research]]
00073eec: ??? effect research
00073eec: ??? effect research
[[?? effect research]]
0007ff44: "Speed" display
0007ff44: "Speed" display
[["Speed" display]]
0007ff7c: "CT" display
0007ff7c: "CT" display
[["CT" display]]
0007ffb0: "Br" display
0007ffb0: "Br" display
[["Br" display]]
0007ffe8: "Fa" display
0007ffe8: "Fa" display
[["Fa" display]]
00080020: "Attack" Sword display
00080020: "Attack" Sword display
[["Attack" Sword display]]
00080054: "Magic" Rod display
00080054: "Magic" Rod display
[["Magic" Rod display]]
0008008c: "Missed" display
0008008c: "Missed" display
[["Missed" display]]
000800bc: "Guarded" display
000800bc: "Guarded" display
[["Guarded" display]]
000800ec: "Caught?" display
000800ec: "Caught?" display
[["Caught?" display]]
00080bc4: *One-Digit Experience*
00080bc4: *One-Digit Experience*
[[*One-Digit Experience*]]
00080c40: *Two-Digit Experience*
00080c40: *Two-Digit Experience*
[[*Two-Digit Experience*]]
00080cf8: *One-Digit JP*
00080cf8: *One-Digit JP*
[[*One-Digit JP*]]
00080d84: *Two-Digit JP*
00080d84: *Two-Digit JP*
[[*Two-Digit JP*]]
00080e3c: *"No Target" Display*
00080e3c: *"No Target" Display*
[[*"No Target" Display*]]
00080e7c: *"Silenced" Display*
00080e7c: *"Silenced" Display*
[[*"Silenced" Display*]]
00080ebc: *"No MP" Display*
00080ebc: *"No MP" Display*
[[*"No MP" Display*]]
0013b590: jumped to from steal item decrement/stat changes/price change?? And weather effects on crossbows/bows
0013b590: jumped to from steal item decrement/stat changes/price change?? And weather effects on crossbows/bows
[[Unknown 1]]
0013b644: jumped to from routine immediately above this one
0013b644: jumped to from routine immediately above this one
[[Uknown 2]]
0014a018: Jumped to from subroutines of steal routine - Calculate party inventory?
0014a018: Jumped to from subroutines of steal routine - Calculate party inventory?
[[Calculate party inventory?]]
0017a290: Check ability data?
0017a290: Check ability data?
[[Check ability data?]]
0017b4d0: Calculator Routine
0017b4d0: Calculator Routine
[[Calculator Routine]]
0017b874: Targeting routine:
0017b874: Targeting routine:
[[Targeting routine:]]
0017c45c: Writes action taken  
0017c45c: Writes action taken  
[[Writes action taken ]]
0017d4a0: Determining Multi Hit Formulas (and other ugly hard coding)
0017d4a0: Determining Multi Hit Formulas (and other ugly hard coding)
[[Determining Multi Hit Formulas]]
0017da20: MP Cost (Half of MP) Section:
0017da20: MP Cost (Half of MP) Section:
[[MP Cost (Half of MP) Section:]]
0017defc: Big... Contains Hamedo check
0017defc: Big... Contains Hamedo check
[[Big... Contains Hamedo check]]
0017e780: Auto Potion?
0017e780: Auto Potion?
[[Auto Potion?]]
0017e7e4: Gained JP Up Section... And other stuff
0017e7e4: Gained JP Up Section... And other stuff
[[Gained JP Up Section]]
0017f020: Float/Float/Fly movements (and some other stuff)
0017f020: Float/Float/Fly movements (and some other stuff)
[[Float/Float/Fly movements ]]
00180134: Move HP / MP Up?
00180134: Move HP / MP Up?
[[Move HP / MP Up?]]
00180b2c: Ramza Causes Game Over?
00180b2c: Ramza Causes Game Over?
[[Ramza Causes Game Over?]]
001810a0: Map Location Calculation (requires r4 = Target Data Pointer)
001810a0: Map Location Calculation (requires r4 = Target Data Pointer)
[[Map Location Calculation]]
001810d4: Get unit data pointer?
001810d4: Get unit data pointer?
[[Get unit data pointer?]]
00181114: check whose turn it is?
00181114: check whose turn it is?
[[check whose turn it is?]]
001811f8: Player Control Routine? ---- look here for Mind Control/Possess
001811f8: Player Control Routine?
[[Player Control Routine?]]
0018130c: Weapon Guard Usability (requires r4 = Target's Data Pointer)
0018130c: Weapon Guard Usability (requires r4 = Target's Data Pointer)
[[Weapon Guard Usability ]]
001813c0: Player Skill Set:
001813c0: Player Skill Set:
[[Player Skill Set:]]
001817c0: Jumped to from 181fb4...?
001817c0: Jumped to from 181fb4...?
[[Jumped to from 181fb4...?]]
00181f38: Routine that checks math skill IDS
00181f38: Routine that checks math skill IDS
[[Routine that checks math skill IDS]]
001835a8: Unit doesn't exist/deadcrystaltreasurepetrify/being ridden check
001835a8: Unit doesn't exist/deadcrystaltreasurepetrify/being ridden check
[[Unit doesn't exist/deadcrystaltreasurepetrify/being ridden check]]
0018370c: jumped to from 18189c
0018370c: jumped to from 18189c
[[jumped to from 18189c]]
00183bf0: Various Flags? r4= data pointer?
00183bf0: Various Flags? r4= data pointer?
[[Various Flags? r4= data pointer?]]
00183c6c: End of Turn
00183c6c: End of Turn
[[End of Turn]]
00183d10: Able to move/act checks (Menu?)
00183d10: Able to move/act checks (Menu?)
[[Able to move/act checks (Menu?)]]
00183d70: Change of Turn check?
00183d70: Change of Turn check?
[[Change of Turn check?]]
00183de0: Intermediate routine - preserves return address
00183de0: Intermediate routine - preserves return address
[[Intermediate routine - preserves return address]]
00183e00: another intermediate routine
00183e00: another intermediate routine
[[another intermediate routine]]
00183e8c: activates move/act
00183e8c: activates move/act
[[activates move/act]]
00183ea0: something involving map coordinates
00183ea0: something involving map coordinates
[[something involving map coordinates]]
00183fb4: deals with map coordinates
00183fb4: deals with map coordinates
[[deals with map coordinates 1]]
0018401c: deals with map coordinates
0018401c: deals with map coordinates
[[deals with map coordinates 2]]
0018414c: deals with map coordinates
0018414c: deals with map coordinates
[[deals with map coordinates 3]]
0018430c: Force Attack Miss (Used in Formula 0x0E)
0018430c: Force Attack Miss (Used in Formula 0x0E)
[[Force Attack Miss]]
0018433c: Force Attack Miss?
0018433c: Force Attack Miss?
[[Force Attack Miss?]]
001843ec: Knockback Calculation:
001843ec: Knockback Calculation:
[[Knockback Calculation:]]
001848d8: Attack Evaded Calculations
001848d8: Attack Evaded Calculations
[[Attack Evaded Calculations]]
00184964: Compatibility:
00184964: Compatibility:
00184b24: jumped to from poach routine - status infliction checks?
00184b24: jumped to from poach routine - status infliction checks?
[[umped to from poach routine]]
00184e40: Elemental Nullification
00184e40: Elemental Nullification
[[Elemental Nullification]]
00184e98: Elemental Damage Modification (Halve, Null, Absorb, Weak) (r4 = Weapon's Element)
00184e98: Elemental Damage Modification (Halve, Null, Absorb, Weak) (r4 = Weapon's Element)
[[Elemental Damage Modification]]
00184f9c: Equipment Evasion Setting (Physical)
00184f9c: Equipment Evasion Setting (Physical)
[[Equipment Evasion Setting (Physical)]]
001851c4: Equipment Evasion Setting (Magical):
001851c4: Equipment Evasion Setting (Magical):
[[Equipment Evasion Setting (Magical):]]
001852e4: Concentrate Calculation
001852e4: Concentrate Calculation
[[Concentrate Calculation]]
00185328: Dark/Confuse Caclulation
00185328: Dark/Confuse Caclulation
[[Dark/Confuse Caclulation]]
0018537c: Abandon Calculation
0018537c: Abandon Calculation
[[Abandon Calculation]]
001853f4: Evasion Changes due to Statuses
001853f4: Evasion Changes due to Statuses
[[Evasion Changes due to Statuses]]
001854b8: Transparent Calculation
001854b8: Transparent Calculation
[[Transparent Calculation]]
001854fc: Facing Evade Calculation
001854fc: Facing Evade Calculation
[[Facing Evade Calculation]]
00185738: Weather effects on Bows/Crossbows
00185738: Weather effects on Bows/Crossbows
[[Weather effects on Bows]]
00185814: Calculate Final Hit %
00185814: Calculate Final Hit %
[[Calculate Final Hit %]]
00185a9c: Base XA Calculation (Weapons)
00185a9c: Base XA Calculation (Weapons)
[[Base XA Calculation]]
00185c94: Store MA and Y
00185c94: Store MA and Y
[[Store MA and Y]]
00185cc0: Base XA and YA for MA + Y / 2 used for Truth and Hydra Formula:
00185cc0: Base XA and YA for MA + Y / 2 used for Truth and Hydra Formula:
[[Base XA and YA for MA + Y / 2 ]]
00185d00: Store PA and PA + Y / 2
00185d00: Store PA and PA + Y / 2
[[Store PA and PA + Y / 2]]
00185d40: Store MA and PA + Y / 2
00185d40: Store MA and PA + Y / 2
[[Store MA and PA + Y / 2]]
00185d80: Store MA and X
00185d80: Store MA and X
[[Store MA and X]]
00185dac: Store PA and X
00185dac: Store PA and X
[[Store PA and X]]
00185dd8: Store PA and WP
00185dd8: Store PA and WP
[[Store PA and WP]]
00185e04: Store PA and Y
00185e04: Store PA and Y
[[Store PA and Y]]
00185e30: Store Speed and X
00185e30: Store Speed and X
[[Store Speed and X]]
00185e5c: Store PA and WP + Y
00185e5c: Store PA and WP + Y
[[Store PA and WP + Y]]
00185e94: Formula 64 or Jump Base XA / YA
00185e94: Formula 64 or Jump Base XA / YA
[[Formula 64 or Jump Base XA / YA]]
00185f80: Charge Calculation
00185f80: Charge Calculation
[[Charge Calculation]]
00185fa4: Weapon Element Strengthen Calculation
00185fa4: Weapon Element Strengthen Calculation
[[Weapon Element Strengthen]]
00185ffc: Elemental Strengthen  
00185ffc: Elemental Strengthen  
[[Elemental Strengthen]]
00186054: Attack UP/Two Hands/Martial Arts
00186054: Attack UP/Two Hands/Martial Arts
[[Attack UP/Two Hands/Martial Arts]]
0018614c: Formula 32, 33, 34, 35 Attack Up and Martial Arts (No Two Hands, also is stupid.)
0018614c: Formula 32, 33, 34, 35 Attack Up and Martial Arts (No Two Hands, also is stupid.)
[[Formula 32, 33, 34, 35 Attack Up and Martial Arts]]
00186204: Magic Attack Up
00186204: Magic Attack Up
[[Magic Attack Up]]
00186254: Attacker Berserk/Frog Check
00186254: Attacker Berserk/Frog Check
[[Attacker Berserk/Frog Check]]
001862cc: Defense UP
001862cc: Defense UP
[[Defense UP]]
0018631c: Magic Defense Up
0018631c: Magic Defense Up
[[Magic Defense Up]]
0018636c: Target XA affecting Statuses (Physical):
0018636c: Target XA affecting Statuses (Physical):
[[Target XA affecting Statuses (Physical):]]
00186460: Target's Status Affecting XA (Magical)
00186460: Target's Status Affecting XA (Magical)
[[Target's Status Affecting XA (Magical)]]
001864f8: Critical Hit Calculation:
001864f8: Critical Hit Calculation:
[[Critical Hit Calculation:]]
00186568: XA * YA Calculation (Final HP Damage):
00186568: XA * YA Calculation (Final HP Damage):
[[XA * YA Calculation (Final HP Damage)]]
0018659c: Set XA + YA for Status Formulas (Stupid section)
0018659c: Set XA + YA for Status Formulas (Stupid section)
[[Set XA + YA for Status Formulas (Stupid section)]]
00186624: Calculate % of damage
00186624: Calculate % of damage
[[Calculate % of damage]]
00186ed0: Elemental Section?
00186ed0: Elemental Section?
[[Elemental Section?]]
00186fd0: Elemental Damage Modification (Prep)
00186fd0: Elemental Damage Modification (Prep)
[[Elemental Damage Modification (Prep)]]
00186ff8: Ability Elemental?:
00186ff8: Ability Elemental?:
[[Ability Elemental?]]
001870fc: Elemental Absorption
001870fc: Elemental Absorption
[[Elemental Absorption]]
00187150: Faith Calculation:
00187150: Faith Calculation:
[[Faith Calculation:]]
00187248: HP Absorbtion (Seems needlessly complex)
00187248: HP Absorbtion (Seems needlessly complex)
[[HP Absorbtion]]
00187350: Undead Reversal
00187350: Undead Reversal
[[Undead Reversal]]
001873d8: Undead Absorb Attack:
001873d8: Undead Absorb Attack:
[[Undead Absorb Attack:]]
0018746c: MP Recovery Routine (Longer then it needs to be?)
0018746c: MP Recovery Routine (Longer then it needs to be?)
[[MP Recovery Routine]]
001874ec: Convert HP Damage into MP Recovery (Formula 54)
001874ec: Convert HP Damage into MP Recovery (Formula 54)
[[Convert HP Damage into MP Recovery]]
00187510: ??? Routine (Often appears after elemental absorb routine)
00187510: ??? Routine (Often appears after elemental absorb routine)
[[??? Routine ]]
001875bc: Dragon Check:
001875bc: Dragon Check:
[[Dragon Check]]
001875fc: Sleep Check:
001875fc: Sleep Check:
[[Sleep Check]]
00187638: Maintence Check:
00187638: Maintence Check:
00187730: Magic Gun Ability Decision:
00187730: Magic Gun Ability Decision:
[[Magic Gun Ability Decision]]
0018783c: Quick Effect:
0018783c: Quick Effect:
[[Quick Effect]]
00187860: Determine which stat will be reduced (bunch of hardcoding)
00187860: Determine which stat will be reduced (bunch of hardcoding)
[[Determine which stat will be reduced ]]
00187910: Katana Break Chance:  
00187910: Katana Break Chance:  
[[Katana Break Chance: ]]
001879c8: Steal/Break/Might Sword Hard Coding
001879c8: Steal/Break/Might Sword Hard Coding
[[Steal/Break/Might Sword Hard Coding]]
00187ca0: Formula 01 - 06 Aftermath (Contains Poach and Secret Hunt)
00187ca0: Formula 01 - 06 Aftermath (Contains Poach and Secret Hunt)
[[Formula 01 - 06 Aftermath]]
00188288: MP Healing Item Formula
00188288: MP Healing Item Formula
[[MP Healing Item Formula]]
001882c8: 100% HP/MP Healing (actual)
001882c8: 100% HP/MP Healing (actual)
[[100% HP/MP Healing (actual)]]
001882f8: Finger Guard:
001882f8: Finger Guard:
[[Finger Guard]]
001883ac: Catch:
001883ac: Catch:
00188488: Calculate Hit %
00188488: Calculate Hit %
[[Calculate Hit %]]
00188510: Physical Evade Calculation:
00188510: Physical Evade Calculation:
[[Physical Evade Calculation]]
00188568: Physical Evade Calculation (Charge):
00188568: Physical Evade Calculation (Charge):
[[Physical Evade Calculation]]
001885b8: Magical Evade Calculation:
001885b8: Magical Evade Calculation:
[[Magical Evade Calculation:]]
001885f8: Physical XA Modifying Statuses/Support (Plus Compat):
001885f8: Physical XA Modifying Statuses/Support (Plus Compat):
[[Physical XA Modifying Statuses/Support ]]
00188638: Physical Damage Calculation (Weapons):
00188638: Physical Damage Calculation (Weapons):
[[Physical Damage Calculation]]
001886a4: Damage Calculation
001886a4: Damage Calculation
[[Damage Calculation]]
001886d4: Routine used in formula 2B
001886d4: Routine used in formula 2B
[[Routine used in formula 2B]]
00188744: Magical Support/Status/Compat:
00188744: Magical Support/Status/Compat:
[[Magical Support/Status/Compat:]]
0018877c: Elemental XA * YA (often used in Magic based formulas)
0018877c: Elemental XA * YA (often used in Magic based formulas)
[[Elemental XA * YA]]
001887c4: Elemental Absorb/Status and an odd r2 = 0
001887c4: Elemental Absorb/Status and an odd r2 = 0
[[Elemental Absorb/Status]]
00188800: MA + X (For... Only buffs?)
00188800: MA + X (For... Only buffs?)
[[MA + X]]
00188858: Magical XA * YA:
00188858: Magical XA * YA:
[[Magical XA * YA:]]
00188964: Truth/Formula 5E-5F Magical damage:
00188964: Truth/Formula 5E-5F Magical damage:
001889a4: 2Truth/Formula 5E-5F Calculate damage:
001889a4: 2Truth/Formula 5E-5F Calculate damage:
001889cc: Calculate Accuracy for Magical Spells (No elemental boost)
001889cc: Calculate Accuracy for Magical Spells (No elemental boost)
[[Calculate Accuracy for Magical Spells ]]
00188a24: Calculate Accuracy for Magical Spells  
00188a24: Calculate Accuracy for Magical Spells  
[[Calculate Accuracy for Magical]]
00188adc: Cluster of Physical Routines that has attacker berserk / frog checks...
00188adc: Cluster of Physical Routines that has attacker berserk / frog checks...
[[Cluster of Physical Routines]]
00188b14: Physical Routine for Hit % abilities
00188b14: Physical Routine for Hit % abilities
[[Physical Routine for Hit % abilities]]
0018b34c: Pre Formula Setup (FDC)
0018b34c: Pre Formula Setup (FDC)
[[Pre Formula Setup (FDC)]]
0018bcf0: Nullification Process? (disables a bunch of stuff)
0018bcf0: Nullification Process? (disables a bunch of stuff)
[[Nullification Process?]]
0018bd34: ?Nullify steal item?
0018bd34: ?Nullify steal item?
[[?Nullify steal item?]]
0018be08: Big routine - performs ability effects?
0018be08: Big routine - performs ability effects?
[[Big routine - performs ability effects?]]
0018c9e4: 'Reflect', Blade Grasp, and Arrow Guard check?
0018c9e4: 'Reflect', Blade Grasp, and Arrow Guard check?
[['Reflect', Blade Grasp, and Arrow Guard]]
0018cb00: Sunken State, Caution, Dragon Spirit, Brave Up, Face Up, Counter Tackle, Counter Flood, Absorb Used MP, Counter, Counter Magic Check:
0018cb00: Sunken State, Caution, Dragon Spirit, Brave Up, Face Up, Counter Tackle, Counter Flood, Absorb Used MP, Counter, Counter Magic Check
[[Sunken State, Caution, Dragon Spirit,]]
0018cc34: MP Switch, Distribute, and Damage Split Check:
0018cc34: MP Switch, Distribute, and Damage Split Check:
[[MP Switch, Distribute, and Damage Split]]
0018ccd8: PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save, Regenerator, HP Restore, MP Restore, Critical Quick, Meatbone Slash, Auto Potion, Gilgame Heart Check:
0018ccd8: PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save, Regenerator, HP Restore, MP Restore, Critical Quick, Meatbone Slash, Auto Potion, Gilgame Heart Check:
[[PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save]]
0018ce04: Counter, Counter Tackle, Counter Magic, Counter Flood, Brave Up, Dragon Spirit, Sunken State, and Caution Usability:
0018ce04: Counter, Counter Tackle, Counter Magic, Counter Flood, Brave Up, Dragon Spirit, Sunken State, and Caution Usability:
[[Counter, Counter Tackle]]
0018ce88: PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save, Regenerator, Auto Potion, Gilgame Heart Usability:
0018ce88: PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save, Regenerator, Auto Potion, Gilgame Heart Usability:
[[PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save]]
0018cef4: Critical Quick, HP Restore, MP Restore, Meatbone Slash Usability:
0018cef4: Critical Quick, HP Restore, MP Restore, Meatbone Slash Usability:
[[Critical Quick, HP Restore, MP Restore]]
0018cf74: Face Up and Absorb Used MP Usability:
0018cf74: Face Up and Absorb Used MP Usability:
[[Face Up and Absorb Used MP]]
0018cfe8: Reflect Reaction?
0018cfe8: Reflect Reaction?
[[Reflect Reaction?]]
0018d050: Blade Grasp Usability:
0018d050: Blade Grasp Usability:
[[Blade Grasp Usability]]
0018d0e8: Arrow Guard Usability:
0018d0e8: Arrow Guard Usability:
[[Arrow Guard Usability]]
0018d1b8: MP Switch Usability:
0018d1b8: MP Switch Usability:
[[MP Switch Usability]]
0018d2a8: Distribute Usability:
0018d2a8: Distribute Usability:
[[Distribute Usability]]
0018d318: Damage Split Usability:
0018d318: Damage Split Usability:
[[Damage Split Usability]]
0018d384: Chance to React:
0018d384: Chance to React:
[[Chance to React]]
0018d3c0: Steal Routine
0018d3c0: Steal Routine
[[Steal Routine]]
0018d620: Attacker's Earned Experience and Gained EXP Up
0018d620: Attacker's Earned Experience and Gained EXP Up
[[Attacker's Earned Experience]]
0018d7c8: Poison and Regen:
0018d7c8: Poison and Regen:
[[Poison and Regen]]
0018d868: Transparent removal routine
0018d868: Transparent removal routine
[[Transparent removal routine]]
0018da04: target pointers
0018da04: target pointers
[[target pointers]]
0018da44: Crystal, Dead, Jump, Petrify, and Treasure check:
0018da44: Crystal, Dead, Jump, Petrify, and Treasure check:
[[Crystal, Dead, Jump, Petrify]]
0018dd44: Move-HP Up, Move-MP Up, Gained Exp Up, Gained JP Up:
0018dd44: Move-HP Up, Move-MP Up, Gained Exp Up, Gained JP Up:
[[Move-HP Up, Move-MP Up, Gained Exp Up]]
0018e9e8: Item quantity increment for steal/break?
0018e9e8: Item quantity increment for steal/break?
[[Item quantity increment for steal/break?]]
0018ea94: something involving steal/poach?
0018ea94: something involving steal/poach?
[[something involving steal/poach?]]
0018eea0: Random Process (gives a number between 0-7FFF)
0018eea0: Random Process (gives a number between 0-7FFF)
[[Random Process ]]
0018eed8: Random Process (gives a random based on r4 (MOD) and checks against r5 (chance to work))
0018eed8: Random Process (gives a random based on r4 (MOD) and checks against r5 (chance to work))
[[Random Process ]]
00195878 - 0019e15c  AI data Routines
00195878 - 0019e15c  AI data Routines
[[ AI data Routines]]
001a1810: Load ability effect: called from 73f68
001a1810: Load ability effect: called from 73f68
[[Load ability effect]]

Revision as of 02:38, 16 February 2012

Here is a list of Routine locations in RAM. To view the actual code of the routine follow the link under it.

000000a0: Jump to 0x5c4

Jump to 0x5c4

0005e0cc: Checking if Attack Hits?

Checking if Attack Hits?

0005e200: Checking known abilities?

Checking known abilities?

0005e644: Data Nullifying (requires r5 = Limit, and r4 = Starting location)

Data Nullifying

000736d4: ??? effect research

??? effect research

00073eec: ??? effect research

?? effect research

0007ff44: "Speed" display

"Speed" display

0007ff7c: "CT" display

"CT" display

0007ffb0: "Br" display

"Br" display

0007ffe8: "Fa" display

"Fa" display

00080020: "Attack" Sword display

"Attack" Sword display

00080054: "Magic" Rod display

"Magic" Rod display

0008008c: "Missed" display

"Missed" display

000800bc: "Guarded" display

"Guarded" display

000800ec: "Caught?" display

"Caught?" display

00080bc4: *One-Digit Experience*

*One-Digit Experience*

00080c40: *Two-Digit Experience*

*Two-Digit Experience*

00080cf8: *One-Digit JP*

*One-Digit JP*

00080d84: *Two-Digit JP*

*Two-Digit JP*

00080e3c: *"No Target" Display*

*"No Target" Display*

00080e7c: *"Silenced" Display*

*"Silenced" Display*

00080ebc: *"No MP" Display*

*"No MP" Display*

0013b590: jumped to from steal item decrement/stat changes/price change?? And weather effects on crossbows/bows

Unknown 1

0013b644: jumped to from routine immediately above this one

Uknown 2

0014a018: Jumped to from subroutines of steal routine - Calculate party inventory?

Calculate party inventory?

0017a290: Check ability data?

Check ability data?

0017b4d0: Calculator Routine

Calculator Routine

0017b874: Targeting routine:

Targeting routine:

0017c45c: Writes action taken

Writes action taken

0017d4a0: Determining Multi Hit Formulas (and other ugly hard coding)

Determining Multi Hit Formulas

0017da20: MP Cost (Half of MP) Section:

MP Cost (Half of MP) Section:

0017defc: Big... Contains Hamedo check

Big... Contains Hamedo check

0017e780: Auto Potion?

Auto Potion?

0017e7e4: Gained JP Up Section... And other stuff

Gained JP Up Section

0017f020: Float/Float/Fly movements (and some other stuff)

Float/Float/Fly movements

00180134: Move HP / MP Up?

Move HP / MP Up?

00180b2c: Ramza Causes Game Over?

Ramza Causes Game Over?

001810a0: Map Location Calculation (requires r4 = Target Data Pointer)

Map Location Calculation

001810d4: Get unit data pointer?

Get unit data pointer?

00181114: check whose turn it is?

check whose turn it is?

001811f8: Player Control Routine?

Player Control Routine?

0018130c: Weapon Guard Usability (requires r4 = Target's Data Pointer)

Weapon Guard Usability

001813c0: Player Skill Set:

Player Skill Set:

001817c0: Jumped to from 181fb4...?

Jumped to from 181fb4...?

00181f38: Routine that checks math skill IDS

Routine that checks math skill IDS

001835a8: Unit doesn't exist/deadcrystaltreasurepetrify/being ridden check

Unit doesn't exist/deadcrystaltreasurepetrify/being ridden check

0018370c: jumped to from 18189c

jumped to from 18189c

00183bf0: Various Flags? r4= data pointer?

Various Flags? r4= data pointer?

00183c6c: End of Turn

End of Turn

00183d10: Able to move/act checks (Menu?)

Able to move/act checks (Menu?)

00183d70: Change of Turn check?

Change of Turn check?

00183de0: Intermediate routine - preserves return address

Intermediate routine - preserves return address

00183e00: another intermediate routine

another intermediate routine

00183e8c: activates move/act

activates move/act

00183ea0: something involving map coordinates

something involving map coordinates

00183fb4: deals with map coordinates

deals with map coordinates 1

0018401c: deals with map coordinates

deals with map coordinates 2

0018414c: deals with map coordinates

deals with map coordinates 3

0018430c: Force Attack Miss (Used in Formula 0x0E)

Force Attack Miss

0018433c: Force Attack Miss?

Force Attack Miss?

001843ec: Knockback Calculation:

Knockback Calculation:

001848d8: Attack Evaded Calculations

Attack Evaded Calculations

00184964: Compatibility:


00184b24: jumped to from poach routine - status infliction checks?

umped to from poach routine

00184e40: Elemental Nullification

Elemental Nullification

00184e98: Elemental Damage Modification (Halve, Null, Absorb, Weak) (r4 = Weapon's Element)

Elemental Damage Modification

00184f9c: Equipment Evasion Setting (Physical)

Equipment Evasion Setting (Physical)

001851c4: Equipment Evasion Setting (Magical):

Equipment Evasion Setting (Magical):

001852e4: Concentrate Calculation

Concentrate Calculation

00185328: Dark/Confuse Caclulation

Dark/Confuse Caclulation

0018537c: Abandon Calculation

Abandon Calculation

001853f4: Evasion Changes due to Statuses

Evasion Changes due to Statuses

001854b8: Transparent Calculation

Transparent Calculation

001854fc: Facing Evade Calculation

Facing Evade Calculation

00185738: Weather effects on Bows/Crossbows

Weather effects on Bows

00185814: Calculate Final Hit %

Calculate Final Hit %

00185a9c: Base XA Calculation (Weapons)

Base XA Calculation

00185c94: Store MA and Y

Store MA and Y

00185cc0: Base XA and YA for MA + Y / 2 used for Truth and Hydra Formula:

Base XA and YA for MA + Y / 2

00185d00: Store PA and PA + Y / 2

Store PA and PA + Y / 2

00185d40: Store MA and PA + Y / 2

Store MA and PA + Y / 2

00185d80: Store MA and X

Store MA and X

00185dac: Store PA and X

Store PA and X

00185dd8: Store PA and WP

Store PA and WP

00185e04: Store PA and Y

Store PA and Y

00185e30: Store Speed and X

Store Speed and X

00185e5c: Store PA and WP + Y

Store PA and WP + Y

00185e94: Formula 64 or Jump Base XA / YA

Formula 64 or Jump Base XA / YA

00185f80: Charge Calculation

Charge Calculation

00185fa4: Weapon Element Strengthen Calculation

Weapon Element Strengthen

00185ffc: Elemental Strengthen

Elemental Strengthen

00186054: Attack UP/Two Hands/Martial Arts

Attack UP/Two Hands/Martial Arts

0018614c: Formula 32, 33, 34, 35 Attack Up and Martial Arts (No Two Hands, also is stupid.)

Formula 32, 33, 34, 35 Attack Up and Martial Arts

00186204: Magic Attack Up

Magic Attack Up

00186254: Attacker Berserk/Frog Check

Attacker Berserk/Frog Check

001862cc: Defense UP

Defense UP

0018631c: Magic Defense Up

Magic Defense Up

0018636c: Target XA affecting Statuses (Physical):

Target XA affecting Statuses (Physical):

00186460: Target's Status Affecting XA (Magical)

Target's Status Affecting XA (Magical)

001864f8: Critical Hit Calculation:

Critical Hit Calculation:

00186568: XA * YA Calculation (Final HP Damage):

XA * YA Calculation (Final HP Damage)

0018659c: Set XA + YA for Status Formulas (Stupid section)

Set XA + YA for Status Formulas (Stupid section)

00186624: Calculate % of damage

Calculate % of damage

00186ed0: Elemental Section?

Elemental Section?

00186fd0: Elemental Damage Modification (Prep)

Elemental Damage Modification (Prep)

00186ff8: Ability Elemental?:

Ability Elemental?

001870fc: Elemental Absorption

Elemental Absorption

00187150: Faith Calculation:

Faith Calculation:

00187248: HP Absorbtion (Seems needlessly complex)

HP Absorbtion

00187350: Undead Reversal

Undead Reversal

001873d8: Undead Absorb Attack:

Undead Absorb Attack:

0018746c: MP Recovery Routine (Longer then it needs to be?)

MP Recovery Routine

001874ec: Convert HP Damage into MP Recovery (Formula 54)

Convert HP Damage into MP Recovery

00187510: ??? Routine (Often appears after elemental absorb routine)

??? Routine

001875bc: Dragon Check:

Dragon Check

001875fc: Sleep Check:

Sleep Check

00187638: Maintence Check:


00187730: Magic Gun Ability Decision:

Magic Gun Ability Decision

0018783c: Quick Effect:

Quick Effect

00187860: Determine which stat will be reduced (bunch of hardcoding)

Determine which stat will be reduced

00187910: Katana Break Chance:

Katana Break Chance:

001879c8: Steal/Break/Might Sword Hard Coding

Steal/Break/Might Sword Hard Coding

00187ca0: Formula 01 - 06 Aftermath (Contains Poach and Secret Hunt)

Formula 01 - 06 Aftermath

00188288: MP Healing Item Formula

MP Healing Item Formula

001882c8: 100% HP/MP Healing (actual)

100% HP/MP Healing (actual)

001882f8: Finger Guard:

Finger Guard

001883ac: Catch:


00188488: Calculate Hit %

Calculate Hit %

00188510: Physical Evade Calculation:

Physical Evade Calculation

00188568: Physical Evade Calculation (Charge):

Physical Evade Calculation

001885b8: Magical Evade Calculation:

Magical Evade Calculation:

001885f8: Physical XA Modifying Statuses/Support (Plus Compat):

Physical XA Modifying Statuses/Support

00188638: Physical Damage Calculation (Weapons):

Physical Damage Calculation

001886a4: Damage Calculation

Damage Calculation

001886d4: Routine used in formula 2B

Routine used in formula 2B

00188744: Magical Support/Status/Compat:

Magical Support/Status/Compat:

0018877c: Elemental XA * YA (often used in Magic based formulas)

Elemental XA * YA

001887c4: Elemental Absorb/Status and an odd r2 = 0

Elemental Absorb/Status

00188800: MA + X (For... Only buffs?)

MA + X

00188858: Magical XA * YA:

Magical XA * YA:

00188964: Truth/Formula 5E-5F Magical damage:


001889a4: 2Truth/Formula 5E-5F Calculate damage:


001889cc: Calculate Accuracy for Magical Spells (No elemental boost)

Calculate Accuracy for Magical Spells

00188a24: Calculate Accuracy for Magical Spells

Calculate Accuracy for Magical

00188adc: Cluster of Physical Routines that has attacker berserk / frog checks...

Cluster of Physical Routines

00188b14: Physical Routine for Hit % abilities

Physical Routine for Hit % abilities

0018b34c: Pre Formula Setup (FDC)

Pre Formula Setup (FDC)

0018bcf0: Nullification Process? (disables a bunch of stuff)

Nullification Process?

0018bd34: ?Nullify steal item?

?Nullify steal item?

0018be08: Big routine - performs ability effects?

Big routine - performs ability effects?

0018c9e4: 'Reflect', Blade Grasp, and Arrow Guard check?

'Reflect', Blade Grasp, and Arrow Guard

0018cb00: Sunken State, Caution, Dragon Spirit, Brave Up, Face Up, Counter Tackle, Counter Flood, Absorb Used MP, Counter, Counter Magic Check

Sunken State, Caution, Dragon Spirit,

0018cc34: MP Switch, Distribute, and Damage Split Check:

MP Switch, Distribute, and Damage Split

0018ccd8: PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save, Regenerator, HP Restore, MP Restore, Critical Quick, Meatbone Slash, Auto Potion, Gilgame Heart Check:

PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save

0018ce04: Counter, Counter Tackle, Counter Magic, Counter Flood, Brave Up, Dragon Spirit, Sunken State, and Caution Usability:

Counter, Counter Tackle

0018ce88: PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save, Regenerator, Auto Potion, Gilgame Heart Usability:

PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save

0018cef4: Critical Quick, HP Restore, MP Restore, Meatbone Slash Usability:

Critical Quick, HP Restore, MP Restore

0018cf74: Face Up and Absorb Used MP Usability:

Face Up and Absorb Used MP

0018cfe8: Reflect Reaction?

Reflect Reaction?

0018d050: Blade Grasp Usability:

Blade Grasp Usability

0018d0e8: Arrow Guard Usability:

Arrow Guard Usability

0018d1b8: MP Switch Usability:

MP Switch Usability

0018d2a8: Distribute Usability:

Distribute Usability

0018d318: Damage Split Usability:

Damage Split Usability

0018d384: Chance to React:

Chance to React

0018d3c0: Steal Routine

Steal Routine

0018d620: Attacker's Earned Experience and Gained EXP Up

Attacker's Earned Experience

0018d7c8: Poison and Regen:

Poison and Regen

0018d868: Transparent removal routine

Transparent removal routine

0018da04: target pointers

target pointers

0018da44: Crystal, Dead, Jump, Petrify, and Treasure check:

Crystal, Dead, Jump, Petrify

0018dd44: Move-HP Up, Move-MP Up, Gained Exp Up, Gained JP Up:

Move-HP Up, Move-MP Up, Gained Exp Up

0018e9e8: Item quantity increment for steal/break?

Item quantity increment for steal/break?

0018ea94: something involving steal/poach?

something involving steal/poach?

0018eea0: Random Process (gives a number between 0-7FFF)

Random Process

0018eed8: Random Process (gives a random based on r4 (MOD) and checks against r5 (chance to work))

Random Process

00195878 - 0019e15c AI data Routines

AI data Routines

001a1810: Load ability effect: called from 73f68

Load ability effect