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  • 00067000 - 00067794: Return Addresses

000683e4 - 00068414: Transfer Unit's X/Y/Map Level

00068418 - 00068490: X/Y Data Gathering for Attacks?

00068534 - 00068630: Palette modification based on team

0006867c - 000686ac: Increment AT List ID

00068e80 - 000690f4: Special Status Flag Enabling?

00072928 - 00072a0c: Rider/Mount X/Y/Facing Setting?

00072a88 - 00072acc: Check if Facing Needs Changed?

000732c8 - 000734c8: Battle Message Display

000736d4 - 000739c8: Display calculations for current ability critical hit, reflect, etc.

00073eec - 00073fb4: Action processing?

00074f5c - 0007530c: big Misc unit data routine

0007a6e4 - 0007a720: Find Current Misc Unit Data Pointer (external ID)?

0007a724 - 0007a770: Find Misc Unit Data Pointer (checking for specific unit)?

0007ac60 - 0007aca8: Unit RGB/Sprite Type/? Initialization

0007b4ec - 0007b52c: Store Display Data

0007f45c - 0007f508: Store Item's Display Data

0007f5f8 - 0007ff40: Post Action Display Routine

0007ff44 - 0007ff78: "Speed" display

0007ff7c - 0007ffac: "CT" display

0007ffb0 - 0007ffe4: "Br" display

0007ffe8 - 0008001c: "Fa" display

00080020 - 00080050: "Attack" Sword display

00080054 - 00080088: "Magic" Rod display

0008008c - 000800b8: "Missed" display

000800bc - 000800e8: "Guarded" display

000800ec - 00080114: "Caught?" display

000803e4 - 000808b4: Post-Action Display Setup

000808b8 - 00080bc0: Set Exp/JP Display Data and get Palette

00080bc4 - 00080c3c: *One-Digit Experience*

00080c40 - 00080cf4: *Two-Digit Experience*

00080cf8 - 00080d80: *One-Digit JP*

00080d84 - 00080e38: *Two-Digit JP*

00080e3c - 00080e78: *"No Target" Display*

00080e7c - 00080eb8: *"Silenced" Display*

00080ebc - 00080f00: *"No MP" Display*

00080f44 - 00080fe8: Prep for Displaying Earned Exp/JP

000810a4 - 00081974: More post action display?

00081978 - 00081984: Store unit animation and facing value

00081988 - 00819a4: Store unit animation/facing/someothervalue

000819a8 - 00081a04: Get some Spritesheet data address

00081b0c - 00081b84: Store Move coordinate data

00081b88 - 00081c18: Store some movement coordinate data

00082508 - 0008254c: Status/? Misc ID checks

00082550 - 00082588: Transparent Check (for opacity?)

0008288c - 00082a40: Target spritesheet calculations?

00082b1c - 00082b7c: Store attack animation flags and facing 1

00082b80 - 00082c0c: Set attack animation flags and facing 2

00082c10 - 00082cc0: Set attack animation flags and facing 3

00082eec - 000831b4: Set Animation based on status

00083758 - 00083850: Set thrown item graphic/palette also throw stone

00084818 - 0008522c: Animate party units?

0008ced0 - 0008cef8: Find Unit's Misc Data Pointer (+0x15c)

0008dc24 - 0008dc70: Get Unit's Spritesheet Value

0008dc9c - 0008dcc0: Find Unit's Misc Data Pointer and Load Spritesheet Value

0008f710 - 00090044: Palette Modification

00092620 - 000926d4: Extract RGB+Alpha from Palette

000926d8 - 000927b8: Get Palette Data

0011acdc - 0011aeec: Throw Determination Routine

00132824 - 00132858: Prep for Loading Text

00136b10 - 00136bcc: Get Item Graphic Data

0013b590 - 0013b640: jumped to from steal item decrement/stat changes/price change?? And weather effects on crossbows/bows

0013b644 - 0013b6e0: jumped to from routine immediately above this one

0013fa6c - 00140224: Skillset Display and a bunch of AI calculation (abilities greyed/blinking red)

00143bd8 - 001449f8: Event Instruction Main Routine 1

001449fc - 00145750: Event Instruction Main Routine 2

00145754 - 00145f70: Event Instruction Main Routine 3

0014a018 - 0014a2e8: Jumped to from subroutines of steal routine - Calculate party inventory?

0014ce78 - 0014ceb0: Find Text ID's Location

  • 00174068 - 0017436c: Return addresses

001743c8 - 0017442c: Chocobo Check

00179204 - 00179258: Moldball Virus Depth Check

001792a4 - 001793fc: Check Vert Tolerance and if Tiles can be Chosen

00179400 - 00179420: Null some Tile Data (192dd9)

00179424 - 00179514: more map/targeting stuff

00179518 - 00179638: Calculate Tiles Hit by Ability

0017963c - 001797b8: Calculate Possible AoE Tiles

0017a16c - 0017a28c: calculate ability range with map parameters?

0017a290 - 0017a514: Set panels affected by ability?

0017a7bc - 0017a8bc: some map calculation

0017a8c0 - 0017aaf4: Calculate ability range for menu types?

0017aaf8 - 0017ac8c: Calculate Targeting for Menu Types

0017ac90 - 0017afbc: Targeting validation (weapon flags)

0017afc0 - 0017b3f0: Auxilary targeting validation

0017b3f4 - 0017b49c: Height/coordinate validation

0017b4a0 - 0017b4cc: Disable Green Panel Flags (initialization?)

0017b4d0 - 0017b7b0: Calculator Routine

0017b7b4 - 0017b870: Disable Green Panel on all but Target's Tile

0017b874 - 0017bc74: Targeting routine

0017bc78 - 0017bdcc: Check Allies/Enemies that can be Targeted

0017bdd0 - 0017be64: Check if Unit can be Targeted

0017be68 - 0017c040: Linear/3-direction AoE Calculation

0017c044 - 0017c154: Linear Attack Tile Calculation

0017c158 - 0017c3b4: Calculate Height Data

0017c3b8 - 0017c3d8: Call Attack Preparation (ability selected)

0017c3dc - 0017c458: Call Attack Preparation (AT list preview)

0017c45c - 0017c908: Attack Preparation

0017c90c - 0017c950: Unit exists/party member checkReturns 0x16e in unit data

0017c954 - 0017c9b4: Player Item Quantity decrement

0017c9b8 - 0017cac8: Prep Current Action Data

0017cacc - 0017cd20: Reaction Target/Hit Calculation

0017cd24 - 0017ce40: Map calculations for attack Attack, charge, ranged weapon flag

0017ce44 - 0017d34c: Main ability loading routine?

0017d350 - 0017d40c: set target coordinates for ability? also set regenerator target

0017d410 - 0017d49c: draw out routine dealing with experience gain

0017d4a0 - 0017d704: Current Action Ability Data Setting / Multi Hit Formulas

0017d708 - 0017d84c: Targeting/panel routine

0017d850 - 0017da1c: more map/panel targeting

0017da20 - 0017dbc4: Ability Usage Checks and MP Reduction

0017dbc8 - 0017dc84: Store Some Acting Unit Data

0017dc88 - 0017dca4: Get ID of Unit if Tile is Targetable

0017dca8 - 0017decc: Check if another unit is on the same Tile

0017ded0 - 0017def8: Clear targeting panel data?

0017defc - 0017e174: Big... Contains Hamedo check

0017e178 - 0017e58c: Main reaction routine?

0017e590 - 0017e64c: Counter magic targeting?

0017e650 - 0017e77c: Store counter ability?

0017e780 - 0017e7e0: Auto Potion

0017e7e4 - 0017ea24: Gained JP Up Section

0017ea28 - 0017ea7c: Load Job Level

0017ea80 - 0017ec14: Store JP; Calculate Unlocked Jobs

0017ec18 - 0017f01c: big map/panel routine

0017f020 - 0017f0e8: Float/Float/Fly movements

0017f0ec - 0017f178: Move Cap?

0017f17c - 0017f2d4: [[Pre-Pre formula calculations]

0017f2d8 - 0017f318: Get Elemental Ability ID

0017f31c - 0017f384: Initialize party members Job data, Sp cap, Status initialization

0017f388 - 0017f5f4: Initialize units battlefield data(ENTD ID/flags, Map location, palette, control, etc.) 0017f5f8 - 0017f61c: Initialize players battlefield units

0017f620 - 0017f63c: Initialize enemy battlefield units

0017f640 - 0017f6c0: Set unit placement and validate

0017f6c4 - 0017f89c: Validate unit placement

0017f8a0 - 0017fbe8: Big ENTD unit loading routine

0017fbec - 0017fcc4: ENTD AI?

0017fcc8 - 0017fd04: Disable/Remove unit

0017fd08 - 0017fd7c: Check for unit availability(existance) and ENTD level setting

0017fd80 - 0017fda8: Set unit cannot exist(but can), return r2 = 0

0017fdac - 0017fdd8: Erase unit, set to be removed from party

0017fddc - 0017ffbc: Set Rider/Mount's X/Y Data

0017ffc0 - 00180130: Set target for mounted unit, move find item/trap

00180134 - 00180174: Get movement support flags (move-MP/HP/EXP/JP up)

00180178 - 0018020c: Remove charging status/ability CT

00180210 - 0018022c: Disable acting statuses

00180230 - 001802c4: Rare/common item determination

001802c8 - 001804c0: Set map Item/trap data

001804c4 - 0018052c: Move find item flag calculation

00180530 - 00180900: Generate Crystal or Treasure

00180904 - 00180a04: Learn from Crystal

00180a08 - 00180af8: Generate Treasure

00180afc - 00180b28: Get Unit's Data Pointer

00180b2c - 00180c8c: Check Sprite Set | Ramza Causes Game Over

00180c90 - 00180dac: Unit Existence/crystaltreasure check

00180db0 - 00180dfc: [[Party level + XX modification?

00180fe4 - 0018109c: Prep for Special Status Flag Enabling

001810a0 - 001810d0: Map Location Calculation

001810d4 - 00181110: Load unit Data (exists check within)

00181114 - 00181148: Find Active Unit Data Pointer?

001811f8 - 00181308: Player Control Routine?

0018130c - 001813bc: Weapon Guard Usability (Check if Unit can React)

001813c0 - 00181580: Player Skill Set

00181584 - 0018171c: Skillset Loading?

00181720 - 001817bc: Ability Loading?

001817c0 - 00181b6c: Load ability data for skillset (MP, CT, req. sword booleans)

00181b70 - 00181cb4: Item Inventory

00181cb8 - 00181eec: Throw

00181ef0 - 00182060: Math Skill

00182068 - 001821c8: ???

001821cc - 001822c8: Elemental

001822cc - 0018242c: Monster skill, frog attack ability loading

00182430 - 00182504: Monster Skill check prep

00182508 - 00182660: Monster Skill check

00182664 - 00182784: Draw Out

001827f0 - 00183074: In between turn control routine

  • 001829b8 - 00182a40: Next clocktick
  • 00182a44 - 00182ba8: Dead processing, next turn processing (100CT)
  • 00182bac - 00182c04: Ability CT decrement
  • 00182c08 - 00182c8c: Post-ability CT setting
  • 00182c90 - 00182ce4: Status CT decrement
  • 00182ce8 - 00182d4c: Set AI CT data?
  • 00182d50 - 00182d88: ???
  • 00182d8c - 00182dfc: Find highest CT
  • 00182e00 - 00182e6c: Validate units turn
  • 00182e70 - 00182ea8: Poison and regen
  • 00182eac - 00182fa0: Poison marsh
  • 00182fa4 - 00183074: Mimic ability setting

00183078 - 001832c8: Death sentence, crystalization, treasurization, etc also: reraise, defend removal, chicken brave increment

001832cc - 00183370: Status checks

00183374 - 001834b8: Gameover by party incapacitated

00183544 - 001835a4: Calculate AT List and Get Specific Unit ID

001835a8 - 001835f0: Unit doesn't exist/deadcrystaltreasurepetrify/being ridden check

001835f8 - 00183708: Removed Code? action loading routines

0018370c - 00183ac8: Calculate AT List

00183acc - 00183e90: AT List Sorting

00183bf0 - 00183c68: Various Flags r4= data pointer

00183c6c - 00183d0c: End of Turn

00183d10 - 00183d6c: Able to move/act checks (Menu?)

00183d70 - 00183ddc: Change of Turn check

00183e00 - 00183e38: another intermediate routine

00183e3c - 00183e8c: Unit exists checks

00183e90 - 00183e9c: Activates move/act

00183ea0 - 00183f5c: something involving map coordinates

00183f60 - 00183fb0: Load Move Find-Item data to Current Map

00183fb4 - 00184018: Get Tile's Data Pointer

0018401c - 00184148: Return Various Tile Data

0018414c - 001842f4: deals with map coordinates 3

001842f8 - 00184308: Clear r2 2

0018430c - 00184338: Force Attack Miss

0018433c - 0018435c: Force Attack Miss?

00184360 - 001843e4: Dance/Song hit % Returns if attack hit or not

001843ec - 0018460c: Knockback Calculation

00184610 - 001848d4: Knockback 2

001848d8 - 00184960: Attack Evaded Calculations

00184964 - 00184b20: Compatibility

00184b24 - 00184e3c: Validate Status Changes

00184e40 - 00184e94: Elemental Nullification Nullify Action - Glain

00184e98 - 00184f98: Elemental Damage Modification

00184f9c - 001851c0: Equipment Evasion Setting (Physical)

001851c4 - 001852e0: Equipment Evasion Setting (Magical)

001852e4 - 00185324: Concentrate Calculation

00185328 - 00185378: Dark/Confuse Caclulation

0018537c - 001853f0: Abandon Calculation

001853f4 - 001854b4: Evasion Changes due to Statuses

001854b8 - 001854f8: Transparent Calculation

001854fc - 00185734: Facing Evade Calculation

00185738 - 00185810: Weather effects on Bows

00185814 - 00185a98: Calculate Final Hit %

00185a9c - 00185c90: Base XA Calculation

00185c94 - 00185cbc: Store MA and Y

00185cc0 - 00185d3c: Base XA and YA for MA + Y / 2

00185d00 - 00185d7c: Store PA and PA + Y / 2

00185d40 - 00185d7c: Store MA and PA + Y / 2

00185d80 - 00185da8: Store MA and X

00185dac - 00185dd4: Store PA and X

00185dd8 - 00185e00: Store PA and WP

00185e04 - 00185e2c: Store PA and Y

00185e30 - 00185e58: Store Speed and X

00185e5c - 00185e90: Store PA and WP + Y

00185e94 - 00185f7c: Formula 64 or Jump Base XA / YA

00185f80 - 00185fa0: Charge Calculation

00185fa4 - 00185ff8: Weapon Element Strengthen

00185ffc - 00186050: Elemental Strengthen

00186054 - 00186148: Attack UP/Two Hands/Martial Arts

0018614c - 00186200: Formula 32, 33, 34, 35 Attack Up and Martial Arts

00186204 - 00186250: Magic Attack Up routine

00186254 - 001862c8: Attacker Berserk/Frog Check

001862cc - 00186318: Defense UP routine

0018631c - 00186368: Magic Defense Up routine

0018636c - 0018645c: Target XA affecting Statuses (Physical)

00186460 - 001864f4: Target's Status Affecting XA (Magical)

001864f8 - 00186564: Critical Hit Calculation

00186568 - 00186598: XA * YA Calculation

0018659c - 00186620: Set XA + YA for Status Formulas (Stupid section)

00186624 - 00186688: Calculate % of damage

0018668c - 001866e8: MP Damage Routine (Uses Y instead of X.)

001866ec - 00186740: Gravi2 Damage Routine

00186744 - 00186810: Steal Gil

00186814 - 001868ec: Set EXP Stolen

001868f0 - 00186918: Formula 36

0018691c - 001869e8: Damage and Knockback Routine (Dash, tackle, throw stone)

001869ec - 00186af4: Song abilities

00186af8 - 00186c00: Dance abilities

00186c04 - 00186cfc: Talk Skill

00186d00 - 00186d28: Formula 3a

00186d2c - 00186d54: Formula 39

00186d58 - 00186db8: Formula 3B

00186dbc - 00186e24: Formula 3C

00186e28 - 00186e50: Formula 43

00186e54 - 00186e74: Formula 44

00186e78 - 00186ea0: Formula 45

00186ea4 - 00186ecc: +Y brave

00186ed0 - 00186fcc: Weather Elemental effects?

00186fd0 - 00186ff4: Elemental Damage Modification (Prep)

00186ff8 - 001870f8: Ability Elemental? Apply Elemental - Glain

001870fc - 0018714c: Elemental Absorption

00187150 - 00187244: Faith Calculation

00187248 - 0018734c: HP Absorbtion (Seems needlessly complex)

00187350 - 001873d4: Undead Reversal

001873d8 - 00187468: Undead Absorb Attack

0018746c - 001874e8: MP Recovery Routine -MP Absorb*

001874ec - 0018750c: Convert HP Damage into MP Recovery

00187510 - 001875b8: ??? Routine (Often appears after elemental absorb routine)

001875bc - 001875f8: Dragon Check

001875fc - 00187634: Sleep Check

00187638 - 0018768c: Maintenance

00187690 - 001876e0: Conditional Status Proc Roll (19%) Inner Routine

00187730 - 00187838: Magic Gun Ability Decision

0018783c - 0018785c: Quick Effect

00187860 - 0018790c: Determine which stat will be reduced

00187910 - 001879c4: Katana Break Chance

001879c8 - 00187c9c: Steal/Break/Might Sword Hard Coding

00187ca0 - 00187eb0: Formula 01 - 06 Aftermath

00187eb4 - 00187f20: Apply status (to action) - (Preserve hit status, evade type, hit %)

00187f24 - 00188284: Apply status (to action) Formula 38

00188288 - 001882c4: MP Healing Item Formula

001882c8 - 001882f4: 100% HP/MP Healing (actual)

001882f8 - 001883a8: Finger Guard

001883ac - 00188484: Catch

00188488 - 001884bc: Calculate Hit %

001884c0 - 0018850c: Conditional Status Proc Roll (19%)

00188510 - 00188564: Physical Evade Calculation

00188568 - 001885b4: Physical Evade Calculation(Charge)

001885b8 - 001885f4: Magical Evade Calculation

001885f8 - 00188634: Physical XA Modifying Statuses/Support

00188638 - 001886a0: Weapon Damage Calculation

001886a4 - 001886d0: Damage Calculation

001886d4 - 00188718: Routine used in formula 2B

00188744 - 00188778: Magical Support/Status/Compat

0018877c - 001887c0: Elemental XA * YA

001887c4 - 001887fc: Elemental Absorb/Status

00188800 - 00188854: MA + X

00188858 - 00188884: Magical XA * YA

00188964 - 001889a0: Truth/Formula 5E-5F Magical damage

001889a4 - 001889c8: 2Truth/Formula 5E-5F Calculate damage

001889cc - 00188a20: Calculate Accuracy for Magical Spells

00188a24 - 00188a80: Calculate Accuracy for Magical

00188a84 - 00188ad8: MA + X without faith

00188adc - 00188b10: Cluster of Physical Routines

00188b14 - 00188b60: Physical Routine for Hit % abilities

00188b64 - 0018ac70: Formulas

0018ac74 - 0018acd8: remove transparent status if Jump is used?

0018acdc - 0018ad54: Pheonix down on undead

0018ad58 - 0018adf0: Double WP if two hands is equipped?

0018adf4 - 0018ae38: action data nulling

0018ae3c - 0018af28: Knockback?

0018af2c - 0018b270: Perform reaction abilities

0018b274 - 0018b348: Store used weapon based on action menu byte

0018b34c - 0018b9f4: Pre Formula Setup (FDC)

0018b9f8 - 0018ba40: Remove Status

0018ba44 - 0018bcec: set some data for current attack

0018bcf0 - 0018bd30: Called by Nullify Action - Glain

0018bd34 - 0018bd70: ?Nullify steal item? - Glain (Update Notes)

0018bd74 - 0018bdd0: Current Action Data Nulling

0018bdd4 - 0018be04: Null Some Status Data

0018be08 - 0018c67c: Main Reaction Routine - performs ability effects

0018c680 - 0018c754: Poach Calculation

0018c758 - 0018c858: some kind of ENTD/Unit manipulation

0018c85c - 0018c91c: Level up/down ability

0018c920 - 0018c964: Check if unit can react 1

0018c968 - 0018c99c: Check if unit can react?

0018c9a0 - 0018c9e0: Reaction check?

0018c9e4 - 0018cafc: 'Reflect', Blade Grasp, and Arrow Guard

0018cb00 - 0018cc30: Sunken State, Caution, Dragon Spirit, etc. usability

0018cc34 - 0018ccd4: MP Switch, Distribute, and Damage Split usability

0018ccd8 - 0018ce00: PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save Regenerator, HP Restore, MP Restore, Critical Quick, Meatbone Slash, Auto Potion, Gilgame Heart check

0018ce04 - 0018ce84: Counter, Counter Tackle, Counter Flood, Brave Up, Dragon Spirit, Sunken State, and Caution Usability usability

0018ce88 - 0018cef0: PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save, Regenerator, Auto Potion, Gilgame Heart usability

0018cef4 - 0018cf70: Critical Quick, HP Restore, MP Restore, Meatbone Slash usability

0018cf74 - 0018cfe4: Face Up and Absorb Used MP usability

0018cfe8 - 0018d04c: Reflect Reaction?

0018d050 - 0018d0e4: Blade Grasp Usability

0018d0e8 - 0018d1b4: Arrow Guard Usability

0018d1b8 - 0018d2a4: MP Switch Usability

0018d2a8 - 0018d314: Distribute Usability

0018d318 - 0018d380: Damage Split Usability

0018d384 - 0018d3bc: Chance to React

0018d3c0 - 0018d56c: Steal Routine

0018d570 - 0018d61c: Stat Increment/Decrement

0018d620 - 0018d708: Attacker's Earned Experience

0018d70c - 0018d7c4: Store target stats pointer + data calls main action loading routine

0018d7c8 - 0018d864: Poison and Regen

0018d868 - 0018d90c: Transparent removal routine

0018d910 - 0018da00: status CT decrement and innate statuses?

0018da04 - 0018da40: target pointers

0018da44 - 0018da84: Crystal, Dead, Jump, Petrify, Treasure check

0018da88 - 0018dbac: Poison Marsh Routine

0018dbb0 - 0018dd40: Traps Routine

0018dd44 - 0018df08: Move-HP Up, Move-MP Up, Gained Exp Up\

0018dff8 - 0018e078: Main Reaction subroutine - ENTD/ID stuff - Calculate Unlocked Jobs/set ability element = dark?

0018e9bc - 0018e9e4: Determine if Status Flags can be Enabled

0018e9e8 - 0018ea94: Item quantity increment for steal/break?

0018ea94 - 0018eb4c: Steal Gil/Exp routine?

0018eb50 - 0018ec0c: Apply Exp gain / Level up

0018edf8 - 0018ee20: Store ability data 80193868 + 0x10 bytes

0018ee24 - 0018ee64: Count # of targets hit by ability

0018eea0 - 0018eed4: Random Process, gives a number between 0-7fff

0018eed8 - 0018ef28: Random Process, (gives a random based on r4 (MOD) and checks against r5 (chance to work))

0018ef34 - 0018f034: Current Action Attacker Data Setting

0018f624 - 0018f7a0: Formula Table

001941f8 - 00194310: Acting Unit's Data Setup (AI?)

00195878 - 00195940: AI Ability Data Setting

00195944 - 001959d0: Attack

001959d4 - 00195a20: AI Item Inventory

00195a24 - 00195a2c: Katana Inventory

00195a30 - 00195a8c: Weapon Inventory

00195a90 - 00195b9c: Jump

00195ba0 - 00195bb8: Charge

00195bbc - 00195bfc: Arithmeticks

00195c00 - 00195d90: Default

00196ce8 - 00196dac: Check if Unit can be Targeted (Cryst/Trea/Mount/Trans)

001978e4 - 00197958: Find Direction of Target

00199124 - 00199368: Calculate Physical? Target

0019936c - 0019939c: Calculate Distance Between Units

001998c8 - 001999c4: Check if Regen/Charm/DM/Reraise/DA Can be Inflicted

00199b98 - 00199c84: Calculate Clockticks Until Unit Acts

00199ec8 - 0019a2c8: Usable Ability Setting/ENTD AI Calculations

0019a2cc - 0019a2ec: Dividend * 4 / Divisor

0019a2f0 - 0019a528: Set AI Flags/Usable Abilities

0019a52c - 0019a5f4: Store Weapon? Attack Data

0019a5f8 - 0019a638: Usable Ability Setting

0019a63c - 0019a66c: Part of the Weapon Inventory

0019a670 - 0019a6a0: Ability Loading

0019a6a4 - 0019a7a0: Weapon Inventory 2

0019a7a4 - 0019a7e0: Arithmeticks 2

0019a7e4 - 0019a814: Charge 2

0019a818 - 0019a994: Others

0019a998 -0019a9c4: Jump 2

0019a9f8 - 0019aa4c: Jump 3

0019aa50 - 0019ab04: Load Known Ability Flag

0019ab08 - 0019ab44: Transfer Halfword Values

0019ab48 - 0019ab74: Transfer Byte Values

0019ab78 - 0019abb0: Word Nulling

0019ad74 - 0019ae2c: [[Determine if Height Difference < 3]]

0019b6b0 - 0019b750: Calculate Height Difference Between Units

0019e160 - 0019e374: Transfer Unit Data to AI Data

0019e378 - 0019e53c: Transfer AI Data to Unit Data

0019ef24 - 0019efac: Check if Status Should/Can be Added

0019f2a4 - 0019f2f0: Transfer Unit Coordinates to AI

001a0fa0 - 001a0fd0: Get Start of Frame Pointers Address

001a0fd4 - 001a100c: Get Start of Parameter Sets Address

001a1010 - 001a1040: Get Header before Motion Data Address

001a1044 - 001a1074: Get Coordinate Data Address

001a1078 - 001a10a8: Get Motion Data Address

001a10ac - 001a10e8: Get Misc. Data and Palette Data Addresses

001a1198 - 001a11c8: Get ??? Data Address

001a15b4 - 001a1810: Ability animation uses animation flags (Ball Hardcoding)

001a1814 - 001a1850: Load ability effect also has accumulate hardcoding?

001a18d8 - 001a1c3c: Effect Control Routine

001a20b4 - 001a20e4: Clear some data

001adfac - 001adfe8: Get Ninja Ball effect based on weapons element. Only valid entries for fire,water,lightning

001c3fa4 - 001c43ac: Remove units due to high/low brave/faith